Win10 not recognised?

I have tried 3 times to install Zorin17 from a USB drive on a windows 10 PC. On 12th the windows 10 went AWOL and it took me a day to get it back active again, albeit with losing a few software functions temporarily. As I now longer trust it, I went to install Zorin alongside it.

Unfortunately, Zorin install procedure does not recognise Windows 10 and gives no options except "custom" as an alternative. It shows the /dev 1-3 ntfs and will allow me to make a new device partition in addition. My question is if I do that and create /dev/sda4, will I automatically get installed a grub to be able to dual boot?

Firstly is this a desktop or a notebook. If a notebook manufacturers usually make 4 Primary partitions which prevent creating a new one. You can check this by running your Zorin Lite install media with Try Zorin, then run GParted. Then take a screenshot and post the image here. You need to make space first by using Windows Disk management to shrink your C:\ partition to make space for Zorin. If your Windows uses mbr, you may want to take a look at NeoSmarts EasyBCD as shown in my video here:

Can you post a Screenshot of that? that could be helpful.

Oh, and what means ''AWOL''?

Absent Without Leave i.e. gone missing.


Away without official leave.
I will have to run it up again to do screenshot, later in the day.

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It is a desktop running Win10. SSD drive.

Did you make some free space on your C:\ drive before attempting installation?

No Problem. Take Your Time.

I will check, but from remembering, it has plenty of space. It only connected to a 55" TV for internet streaming live, main job.

Just because there is plenty of space won't necessarily lead to a good install. You have to shrink C:\ partition to make room for Zorin using Windows Disk Management tool.

I had to take screen shots with my mobile, since the install from USB won't support "printscreen" direct from the keyboard.

Attaching two images.

Maybe I have to create /dev/sda4 with the windows partition manager first b4 I try again. No other towers block detection of Win10, just this one. Some text comes up during booting from the USB prior to Zorin load which doesn't stay long enough to read?

Okay, thank You for the Pictures. So, it only detects the Partitions as ntfs Partitions, not directly as Windows Partitions.

Okay, I ask a couple of Questions now:

  • Did You checked the Checksum of the ISO?
  • What Tool did You use for creating the bootable USB Stick?
  • Are Secure Boot and Fast Boot in BIOS turned off?
  • Is Fast Start-Up in Windows turned off?
  • Is Your BIOS in UEFI or Legacy Mode?

Ok Ponce, I will go check the BIOS and tick off one by one your questions.
I saw the ISO checksum all normal, it's the same USB I created via BalenaEtcher and has done the other towers/laptop successfully. :melting_face: :blush:

BalenaEtcher isn't a bad Tool, yes. On Windows, You could try it with Rufus. The good Thing about this Tool is that You can choose Your Partition Sheme. Depending if Your BIOS is in UEFI or Legacy Mode, GPT would be good for UEFI and MBR would be good for Legacy. You can set that up here:

I ran up the tower last evening again and checked your questions.

[1] Secure boot is Enabled.
[2] Turned off Fast Boot in BIOS.
[3] Fast startup in Windows is now turned off.
[4] BIOS has always been in UEFI mode.

After the changes I restarted the Zorin install but the same result happens, it not seeing a Win10 installation already? Maybe I can get RUFUS and do another ISO format to another USB drive.

Check that both bootable mediums: Zorin OS and Windows OS are booting as UEFI - not with one UEFI and the other as Legacy (MBR).

Are you using Bitlocker?

Are you set to RAID?

In Try Zorin, have you launched terminal and run

sudo os-prober


It should be disabled

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Disable Secure Boot.

Yes, that would be worth a Try I think. And take a Look taht You choose in Rufus on the Partition sheme GPT for Your UEFI BIOS.

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OK, I will disable.

I have completed a RUFUS USB drive with the Zorin17 ISO install on it. I will give it a go later on after I disengage Secure boot in BIOS.