Windows 7 dualboot on grub missing

Hello, can anyone help me?, so i was trying to reinstall my linux cuz some stuff, when im on the partitions stuff, i delete the swap, root, efi, and home and i add it back, after that a notification says cannot install on dev/sda7 this is a fatal error, so i boot zorin live sessions and run boot repair utility, and it prompt me to some terminal stuff (its not usually happend to me), after that everything was fixed except, memorytest and windows 7 gone from grub dualboot, i dont use memorytest but im using windows 7 to run my games.. Yes i checked the partitions everything seems good,the only thing gone is just the windows 7 on grub

Also, i was use grub customizer just to rearrange the order of the grub.. I wonder can grub customizer also fix this issue? If yes can someone tell me how?

When you removed the EFI partition, that also removed the Windows 7 Boot Entry. Adding the EFI partition back resulted in the new EFI partition lacking that entry.

You will need a bootable media for Windows 7 to rebuild the boot loader. Let me see if I can find a more in-depth guide...

I dont have a bootable media, also what bootable media do i need? Windows 10 or windows 7??

also i read that you can mount iso file is that work?

You would need a copy of Win7.

Oh, so now i need to make a bootable media, im only have access to linux tho so i can't install rufus, can i use wine to install rufus?

Edits: And i only have one usb stick, so i need to sacrifice my zorin installer usb stick..

There are a large number of .iso burners for Linux.
Popsicle, made by Pop_OS
Balena Etcher's a long list.

hmm, i think i have heard ventoy but what would you recommend for my problem?

I recommend Ventoy - but really, any of the above will do.
I would put Balena last on the list due to there being some reputation of it breaking USB sticks.

Ok, now can you tell me where the heck do i need to find the windows 7 64bit iso? I cant find it anywhere on microsoft website..

Cross referenced as legitimate:

The .iso does not include the product key which you must provide from your legitimate copy of Win 7.

How would i open this? Its exe file, do i need to use wine/windows app support?

Also can you use your computer to get the iso and send me with google drive if you can? Thats surely make my life easier

Good question. I uhh... did not think that far ahead. I just assumed you had a library or other means.
I do not know if that .exe works on WINE or not.

I certainly enjoy being helpful, as my participation on the forum shows.
But providing other proprietary software is beyond what I can do.

Since you are trying to repair your boot, any of these may be helpful since you are not looking for a full install. Scroll down to begin at Option number Four:

Okay, im currently downloading the iso (man its so slow..) Also while im downloading i manage to get my product key from linux terminal using chntpw because, well i screenshot the product key but i kinda forgeting where i put the file (kinda dumb of me), also this laptop is almost 4 years old and the sticker already gone

what should i do after this?
Edit: i just realize, why its an exe file?

I finally found the solution, so the repair boot actually fix it self, by running

sudo update grub

After that grub finally be able to detect windows 7 boot partitions


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