WINE 10 release

Wine 10 has come out with some improvements for anyone interested. I haven't tried it myself as I end up using Proton or Soda for everything, but given that it won't turn up in Zorin for quite a while, I figured I'd mention it for anyone who wants to try it with something that didn't cooperate before:

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Regarding Zorin OS 17.2 Pro and the new WINE 10.0 - When can we expect this to appear in our Updates?

It looks very interesting and important add for all Zorin OS users.

I believe @Locklear93 already made a post about this, including instructions on how to include should a user so desire:

As for expecting in our updates, I wouldn't expect it to be anytime soon, if at all, and most likely adding it as the instructions show would be the better way to get access to that version. I would think MAYBE zorin 18 would get access to version 10, but since it's so new I don't know when/if ubuntu 24.04 would get access to that version.


For what would you need it ?

There are a number of game-specific fixes that a user who wishes to play those games might require. The improved Wayland support won't benefit many of our regulars, as we often advise people to use X11, but for those who do use Wayland, that's a thing. There's a bullet point about improvements related to unresponsive system tray icons for Windows applications which would benefit me in particular greatly. (I haven't tested to see if it helps, but I run a primarily Japanese messaging application called Line and routinely have problems with the system tray icon). I see a note about improved scaling for high DPI displays, which may also help me with Line, and possibly the other user who posted about Guild Wars 2 having an unreasonably small window. There's a bunch of other stuff here, but the long and short of it is that there are reasons a user might wish to upgrade.

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Just thinking it might improve running more Windows desktop apps than previous version of Wine. A friend was asking, as I was very pleased with Zorin and its integration with Wine and other SW platforms and virtual environments / tools.

Not a big deal for me, personally. Was just reading about supposed improvements and thought it would be interesting add. However, stability is much more important to me than the next bell & whistle.

Zorin OS 17.2 Pro is my daily driver! I rarely use my Win10 laptop anymore. I use virtual machine to run Win10 & MSOffice 2013 native, in case I need it. But, MS Edge for Linux with Microsoft 365 web apps work fine for me 99.9% of the time.

Cheers and thanks for the info from our Forum members.


Yes and i am fully aware of that. It’s only useless since 90% uses proton these days. If you use wine only you have to configure everything by your self. If you are done doing so, how will you use it on your steam games ? For gaming you don’t gain much from it, just wait for proton 10.x. For applications it’s another story…

As I just mentioned, I've had trouble with a system tray icon and scaling that I think might relate to the DPI scaling. I don't use Proton for that messenger application, because it literally won't start with Proton. Edge cases are edge cases, but they happen. So I suppose the real answer to your original question, "For what would you need it?" is "For all those unusual situations where Proton isn't the right choice."

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The question i asked whas meant for the OP :wink:

Don't you mean "Bottles"?

Topics merged.

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