Wireless USB Stick

Did you checked if this wifi dongle working on another hardware? Maybe broken dongle or port usb.

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Do you know what chipset is on the card? if the kernel doesn't have the firmware/driver info it won't know its a wifi card. if teh cd has an sh script that means there is some kind of linux support.

for the sh file, my guess is its trying to do a makefile from the cd the install.sh can't be made executable on the CD as it is a read-only medium. You need read-write-execute to expand files and run the make and compile commands in the sh script.

Next, the install.sh needs other files that are in the folder with the install.sh, so you'd need to drag and drop the entire folder to any convenient place, your desktop, for example. and run from there.

Check out my link below it is one that that will work as I have been using it for 3-4- months ..... there is also a couple of places where to buy it on the internet as well as a complete guide on how to install it by terminal ..... thanks to Aravisian ....

I had the same problem you are having because you can't always go by vendor saying something WILL work on Linux when in fact they won't ..... this includes other hardware also .....


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When I bought NAS to this product was a list on producent webside which one wifi are compatibility - the best it must be the some type specific version what working. Just plug and play without a searching why that not working.

I think we have discussed the cipset in previous messages. It does not matter since I will send it back. The new one should arrive in 1-2 days :slight_smile:

Hopefully the new USB WLAN STICK will be compatible


Fair Enough

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