Xfce panel doesn't change icons of system apps

I installed candy-icon theme on Zorin 16 lite but the xfce panel doesn't change icons of system applications.


According to this image all icons are changed according to the theme, except terminal, synaptic, thunar.

I tried to change icons with edit launcher menu but nothing happened. So is there any way to change theme of these types of icons?.

The theme that I used.

Thanks for any kind of help.

I tried the theme to see the problem, but i get the new icon of the theme to terminal app and thunar, but for file synaptic, i also get the the old one.
I go to the folder of the theme, and i didn't found icon for synaptic app, so the default one is displayed
i think u can change icon of synaptic by download suitable icon , but i think u should put it in that path

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