Zorin 16.2 Is Here

I maybe behind the times but I just got this in my email ..... anyone tried it yet .... is it good ...... I'm running Zorin 16.1 Pro

Zorin OS 16.2 Has Landed
Detailed refinements that make a big impact.
Zorin OS 16

What's new

Zorin OS Technologies Ltd.
Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland

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Interesting I tried to subscribe but got this reply .....

Perhaps your account is already active.

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DUH ..... yup that's what it is ..... maybe that is why somethings have changed with my system ....

Metric-compatible fonts are not always easy to read because of restrictions on character width. I don't like Arimo and Tinos.

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its good...nothing fancy but still good :muscle:

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Did you seeing any diffrents?

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Guys have you noticed any real usage difference ?

To be honest i don't notice anything

Users really should not expect to notice a real usage difference.
16.2 is a point release; which generally brings bug fixes, patches and improvements to certain packages.


I don't know but propably somewhere exist what was repaired bugs and another things but in source code when checking before and now there are most bugs repaired with gnome also put new drivers also they wrote newest software - then wine is newest and etc. Wright?

Hi everyone and thank you for letting me join your wonderful community. I am running Zorin OS 16.2 Core on my Lenovo IdeaPad14 and it runs super smooth, I am now completely hooked.


Wow, no snaps, I try to achieve this but I could only find some prgrams as snaps.
Lots of flatpak too sadly.

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Ive been using it for several days .... seems OK but there are things that I haven't received like:

  • more background files
  • better security (how to edit?)

It's probably all there but for some reason my updates are not showing it at all ....

I noticed how pretty emails from MS Outlook senders look on Thunderbird. The new font replacements look gorgeous.

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