Zorin 17.1 based Ubuntu 24.04?

Hello friends,

when will Zorin 17.1 be updated to Ubuntu 24.04 base??


Zorin 17 will stay on the Ubuntu 22 Base; there don't come a Change in the Base IN a Main Version.

Zorin 18 - if the Zorin Crew decides to stay with Ubuntu - will have the Ubuntu 24 Base.

What do you mean, if the team decides to continue with Ubuntu?

Can the base change?

Unlikely, but the devs are not forced to use Ubuntu as their base.

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That was a Just-For-The-Case Addition. Theoretically they can change the Base, but that would be a big Change.

I only wrote it because of the Ubuntu Way to integrate her Snap Format in the System. When you take a Look to Linux Mint, You will see that there have 2 different Bases. The normal Linux Mint 22 with Ubuntu Base and then LMDE which stands for Linux Mint Debian Edition.

The last One You could see as a Backup for the Case that they say at one Point that the Configuration and changes that they have to do on Ubuntu are too much work. So, they can switch to an existing Platform.

But I wouldn't think tghat a Change on Zorin will come with Zorin 18 - it could, yes; but I don't think that it is very likely. And I must say that it depens on the Course that Ubuntu goes.

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