Zorin 17.1 Installation issues on Lenovo P15 Gen 1

I do have two hard drives. Now this is interesting. On Windows when going into "My PC" it used to show two drives one C: drive and the other D: drive.

D: drive is no longer visible in Windows..

I think Zorin is definitely installed, I removed the USB and for a while Zorin was the default OS that booted on start up, only when I selected the option from the additional menu in start up does it now revert back to booting Windows.

That additional menu was:

Advanced Options for Zorin
Windows Boot Manager for (something/somethingsomething)
UEFI Firmware Settings

Maybe Windows and Zorin are installed on different drives?

It looks like that is likely. If D: drive is now the Zorin Drive. I hope it was not holding important documents and personal data...

It has been a while since I used Windows, so I am not sure about accessing the boot management on Windows.
But on Zorin OS, you can access it in terminal with


From there, you can set the boot priority and order, including Windows OS placement.
Perhaps if you boot only the former D: drive, this will boot you into Zorin OS and allow access to the terminal to run the command.

I just tested starting up booting from the two different hard drives and yes, it looks like Windows and Zorin are on different drives. Zorin is the D: drive, but it works fine when you boot from D:.

So thats good, as I figure I can still keep my set up with Zorin, but now how do I remove Windows on the C: drive and unify both drives to be accessed from Zorin?

Im wondering if its much of a privacy issue keeping windows on an entirely separate drive though... I just saw that all of a sudden a new program has been installed on my Windows 11 OS....Co-Pilot. I don't remember downloading, installing or approving that. I dont like it at all that Windows can just stuff programs on my computer without me even knowing about it. And these online Safety Bills with client side scanning really bother me. I've been told not to trust keeping Windows on the machine at all, only to maybe use it in a VM that is hosted on Linux but certainly not vice versa.

You can remove Windows OS by formatting that drive and clearing the space. You can format it either to NTFS or ext4. Zorin OS can access either, whereas Windows OS can only access NTFS.

You can set your efibootmgr and delete the Windows OS efi entry, removing its bootloader.

Many users load Windows OS in a VM for containment and safety.
Trusting any organization is a matter of personal choice and should be based on merit, evidence and the history of that organization.

Very helpful! Thank you.

How do I format C: drive in Zorin Core 17.1?

Also how do I resolve the issue of these additional steps in the set up? That Zorin menu that appears after the main "Lenovo" logo for instance:

-Advanced Options for Zorin
-Windows Boot Manager for (something/somethingsomething)
-UEFI Firmware Settings

And the text that follows:

Finally, I keep getting notifications of software failing to install.

Might you have a solution to any of these? many thanks!!

This is the grub menu and it is normal. I prefer it to always be visible (It only takes a moment on the screen) because if you ever need to access it and access the Advanced Options (recovery), it is easily accessible.

If you prefer it be hidden and only appear on demand, you can remove the Windows Bootloader with efibootmgr so that the OS_Prober does not kick the grub menu in, then edit the grub file to set it to hidden:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub





Once done, tap ctl+o to overwrite, then enter to save current configuration. Tap ctl+x to exit the editor and in terminal run

sudo update-grub

You can format the drive using Gparted application.
You can learn a lot about using Gparted and partition management here:

But to format your drive, select the drive or partition that you want to format - then select the (-) icon to clear it to Free Space. Click the (+) to format it, selecting the partition volume and filesystem that you want. (Logical partition, NTFS, etc.)

This may be the Flatpak package for Firefox. You might try running the following commands in terminal:

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

flatpak update firefox

Ah, great. Thank you. Good to know that the grub menu is normal. If thats the case then I'll leave it as is.

And what about the text that follows it that I show in the image in my previous message? Is that normal also?

I've downloaded Gparted so will run through that now with the steps you have mentioned to wipe C: drive.

I tried the steps you mentioned with the Terminal for Firefox but receive this response after the final entry:

Looking for updates:
error: Invalid id firefox: Names must contain at least 2 periods

Am in the process of wiping the disk on Gparted. What option should I select from this dropdown?

Options are:


You can select GPT

sorry; I forget how Flatpak is...
flatpak update org.mozilla.firefox

It is not particularly unusual to see ACPI errors due to the manufacturers of motherboards not always fully filling in their ACPI tables, yet the Linux Kernel will expect to see a completed table. An incomplete entry will be logged, as shown in your screenshot, then the kernel will fallback to known working parameters. So it is not something to sweat over.
We can silence those with (again)

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Change the following line to include the loglevel=3 parameter:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash loglevel=3"
Once done, tap ctl+o to overwrite, then enter to save current configuration. Tap ctl+x to exit the editor and in terminal run

sudo update-grub

The i2c error looks like your graphics card is trying to connect via a USB type C interface.
If your Nvidia is mounted via PCI slot, you can disable the i2c_nvidia_gpu to resolve that.
Most often, though, all a user needs to do is change Nvidia drivers.
So, I will hold off on posting how to disable i2c for Nvidia and begin with

  • What Nvidia card do you have?
  • Which drivers are you using? (Software & Updates > Additional drivers tab)
  • What is your terminal output for nvidia-smi?

Again, thank you for your detailed help!

Ok, have progressed through Gparted using GPT as the option and file now seems to be wiped.

How can I now find C: drive on Zorin and for it to be usable? For example on Windows you go to My PC and then you have a choice of drives visible.

This is the result from the firefox command, is that the expected result?

Just to be clear there were at least two different error codes for the failed software, were they both referring to firefox?

Im sorry, I dont know how to find out about nvidia info. how do I get the information you seek?

On Zorin OS, when you launch the file manager, the mounted drive that is formally known as C: should be listed in "Other locations."
It will appear as a Device (/dev) and its build (nvme) so something like


It may appear based on its available volume, like a 500 gig drive might show as

498 volume

If necessary, you may add it to your /etc/fstab file to ensure it always automounts for access as storage. I believe @337harvey wrote an fstab guide on the forum somewhere, I need to find it...

Well it looks like it is fully up to date...

The Error you are seeing has been reported by many users of Zorin OS 17. Usually, errors on Zorin OS are quite specific. This one is quite vague, which is why I regularly suspect Flatpak.
It's not harmful, thought it can create annoyances. Will need to research that one further.

Using the terminal command


should show all the relevant information including card model and driver, though it will only work if the driver is fully working.

I can see that my Nvidia driver version is: 535.161.07

And in my order confirmation it says:
Graphic Card - NVIDIA® Quadro RTX™ 3000 6GB GDDR6

This is in the software and update centre


I am on the Nvidia 3060 using the 550 driver, currently. It is more stable than the 535 which liked to ramp up my CPU to high temps. This was fixed in 545 and that fix seems to remain in the 550.

DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support` and it allows drivers to be manually installed and then roll over to the newer kernel when a kernel is upgraded.
You can install with the driver automatically setup DKMS using

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-550

You can just select the 545 driver listed in Additional drivers in Software & Updates

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This is the result of the command terminal result for nvidia

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I also have the 550 available should I choose that over the 545?

Here is the full list

That works, too. :wink:

Ok great! The normal one or the open one? (There are two 550)

C: does not appear to be in that location though...

I recommend using the Proprietary driver, but you can choose your own either way.

It may seem odd a GnuLinux user recommending proprietary but I make this based on performance, not principle.

If the drive is not showing, launch the Disks app from the app menu.
See if it shows up in Disks. If it does, click on the working partition of that disk to check the details. Ensure it is formatted in a filesystem format that is readable (NTFS or EXT4). Check if it is mounted or unmounted
You can click the gear icon after selecting the working partition to see mount options and set it to automount.

OK, have selected the 550 Nvidia driver. However just to be absolutely clear, the software centre is recommending that I use a different driver:

TU106GLM [Quadro RTX 3000 Mobile / Max-Q]

Is this not preferable to either the 535 or even the 550?

Having restarted the computer after installing the new Nvidia driver I again receive the software download notification:

Have launched the Disks app. The drive does show up there which is great. Im afraid I don't know how to progress to checking its filesystem. I can format the drive but the only options available to do so are:


What driver is it recommending?

I do not believe that the Software Store error is due to the Nvidia driver. There is soemthing else in the Gnome build that is causing this - so far, we have not had any luck identifying it and several users have complained of this particular error on Zorin OS 17, whether they installed fresh or upgraded using the Zorin Upgrader.

The partition shows a "Free Space" in your screenshot and that means that it has not been formatted. This would explain why it is not showing in your file manager.
You can format the partition as an internal disk (ext4) or for use with Windows files (NTFS) using the Disks application or by using Gparted.