Zorin 17 Educational version?

Hi, I just checked the website hereand it lists Zorin 17 Educational version however clicking on the link brings you to download links of Zorin 16.3 Educational version.

Is there a way to upgrade 17 Core with the applications included in the Educational version using a script or apt-install?

Please remember that Zorin OS 17 (Core) was only recently released. Zorin OS 17 Education (Core and Lite) and Zorin OS 17 Lite are both still finalyzing development following the initial release of Core.

It looks like the link has been set up - so this means that as a work in progress, Education is soon coming. You will need to await its release (as many of us are awaiting the release of Zorin OS 17 Lite).

OK thanks for the clarification. Must remember.... "Patience is a virtue"... oooommmmmm


Animated GIF

Thats right, listen to wise Yoda you will lol

You could always turn your Core into Education by installing Synaptic Package Manager, then in Categories pane on left, scroll/arrow down to Education and install the Education apps you desire.

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