Zorin and e-mail client Mozilla Thunderbird

This is something for the developers. From what I have tried it leads me to believe that all "Folders" must be only in the $Home. Their has to be some way if you want all of your documents to be located on another drive you should be able to assign Documents to a drive of your choice. I did notice when I

I have also posted how to set TB up to use the same drive for Windows10 and Zorin 16 on Mozilla forum.

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For clarity, you can note over there that Zorin OS 16 is built off of Ubuntu 20.04. Just in case they are confused about what build they are working with.

Received reply back from Mozilla with a comment of "I hope you've done your homework on what could go wrong with that setup". After reading the many how to do it I have decided I need to change the way I have been doing things for the last 25 years. First I am going to look at things a little different like My Documents & My Downloads drives in "+ other locations" as a server where I would store things not used often but should keep. Use the document and download directory as intended. Things in those directory's that are over 1 year either purge to trash or move to permanent storage (My Doc. & My Downloads.)

This is a common thing where I get absorbed in trying to solve a stated problem, it does not occur to me to question if there is a problem to be solved.

I use the directories as intended and use the Cloud or External Drives as intended.

Just discovered a different email app, a 'fork' of Thunderbird, 'Better Bird' (is in the 'Software' Channel of 'Discover' on KDE Neon.

Website here:

Was able to setup my e.email address without any hassle, but I will be sticking with Evolution.


Yes, I have removed Evolution and now use Betterbird as my secondary Email Client. Being I've always liked and used Thunderbird as my primary. But Betterbird may take over.. Attached is an article, in it a link that displays it's advantages over thunderbird. Also to note, it's in the Zorin software store and can be downloaded from there.



It sounds like you're experiencing an issue where Mozilla Thunderbird on Zorin OS loses the path to the local folder on your shared data drive after each restart. This issue could be related to how Zorin OS (a Linux-based operating system) handles the mounting of your data drive. Here are some steps you can take to resolve this problem:

  1. Persistent Mounting: First, ensure that the data drive is persistently mounted at the same location every time Zorin OS boots up. You can achieve this by adding an entry to the /etc/fstab file.
  • First, you need to identify the UUID of your data drive. You can do this by opening a terminal and running:
    sudo blkid

  • Locate the UUID for your data drive from the output. It will be listed something like this: /dev/sdaX: UUID="some-long-number" TYPE="filesystem_type"

  • Next, you need to edit the /etc/fstab file to add the mount entry. Open it in a text editor with administrative privileges, for example:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Add a line in the following format:
UUID=some-long-number /mnt/data filesystem_type defaults 0 2

  • Replace some-long-number with the UUID from earlier, /mnt/data with the mount point directory (you may need to create this directory using sudo mkdir /mnt/data), and filesystem_type with the actual file system type (like ntfs, ext4, etc.).
  • Save and close the file. You can now mount the drive without restarting to test if it works:

sudo mount -a

  1. Configure Thunderbird: Once your drive is mounting consistently at the same location, you need to make sure Thunderbird is pointed correctly to the folder on this drive. Set this up again in Thunderbird:
  • Go to Account Settings > Server Settings > Local Directory and choose the path that corresponds to your mounted data drive.
  1. Testing: After configuring the persistent mounting and setting Thunderbird, restart your Zorin OS to see if the settings hold and Thunderbird retains the path to the local folder.
  2. Permissions Check: If the problem persists, check if there are any permissions issues with the data drive that might be preventing Thunderbird from accessing the folder on startup. Ensure your user has read/write access to the drive.

By ensuring your data drive is consistently mounted at the same location and checking the permissions, Thunderbird should be able to maintain the path to your emails across restarts. If you continue to encounter issues, consider checking Zorin OS and Thunderbird logs for any error messages that could provide more insight into the problem.