Every time even i want changing some themes setting i get all time the same error with customization themes,icons anything.
Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
WARNING : Shell not installed or running
WARNING : Error detecting shell
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_shell_extensions.py", line 217, in init
raise Exception("Shell not running or DBus service not available")
Exception: Shell not running or DBus service not available
WARNING : Shell not running
NoneType: None
Is this a custom theme or extension? Some extensions are Gnome version specific - if it needs the latest Gnome that could be the issue?
When in terminal put command gnome-tweaks i can change some settings and put but i don't seeing shell example and when i changed i need go to zorin appearance and there some settings are changed but not all. They installed but they not exist in Zorin apperance.
When you add a theme it does not alter Zorin Appearance - you can't change/add new things to Zorin appearance - they only work through tweaks.
I found a folder in Zorin and when i put there example ChromeOS-Dark it is exist.
I used that guide it is not complicated Give Ubuntu's Default Theme a Makeover with Yaru Colors - OMG! Ubuntu!.
Have you run
sudo apt install appmenu-gtk2-module appmenu-gtk3-module
No i didn't trying that a command.
Today this happens again.
It was when i choice one type desktop from zorin appearance layout in pro version.
From Zorin appearance i seeing only a desktop wallpaper.
The one only what help is reset button on pc.
When starting a terminal and put command discord then i have answear not installed,when trying flameshot nothing happens, firefox working from terminal.
What is going on?
I cannot customize my desktop or themes?
Propably i installed fail Zorin.iso no Zorin 16 Pro but Zorin Lite 16.
I remember i download iso with Zorin 16 Pro.
On pendrive file README.diskdefines
DISKNAME Zorin OS 16.2 ProLite 64bit
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