Zorin Connect one more post

Hello everybody,
I'm stuck with Zorin connect...
I'd read all the post about it in here trying to solve my problem but none of them give me a way to resolve it.
My firewall is off, I'm unable to ping my phone.
I removed totally Zorin connect and gnome extensions associated (2 extensions and 1 program), reinstall them but nothing, my phone don't see my computer and vice versa.
After days to try to solve it I really don't know what to do next.
I hope somebody could help me.

P.S. : sorry for my bad English this is not my language.

Using the menu in the Phone Application, have you tried the option to Add Device by I.P. Address?

You have installed the App on your phone yes? Did you also make sure that your phone is on the same network as your computer? Check you have not been trying to connect using 4/5g - you need your phone connected to your router.

yes I did with both, phone and PC, and nothing

the app is installed, same network, I'm on WiFi, the phone and PC are connected to router and have the same address range...

i'm aware Zorin connect can be problematical at times and doesn't always work for some people. I would give KDEConnect a try instead, but you need to remove Zorin Connect both off your phone and computer before installing KDEConnect.


Yeah, personally, I am not the biggest fan of Zorin Connect, I think it needs a lot of work. I am able to use it to do stuff like copy to clipboard, transfer files between phone and computer.

But when I need to be able to read a send RCS message to my phone, via my computer, my computer is not able to read any messages, short of a notification bubble. Additionally, I can't even get the normal mode to work at all in Zorin Connect.

The normal mode, lists everything, from not only current people in my contact list, but olds ones which should never be there, cause I don't speak to them anymore, its a hodge podge of bs, which forces me to use legacy mode.

And even in legacy mode, where it only shows my contacts properly, (which is a good thing) but it still won't let me read incoming messages beyond a notification bubble, even if I have enabled permissions to do so.

The most I can do computer side, is send a text message to somebody on my cantact list, but in legacy mode, as soon as you send the message, there is no confirmation computer side, only the phone shows confirmation, and shows the whole chat.

Zorin connect is heavily underwhelming for me. I gave up on trying to make it work, with 2 different phones so far. It has nothing to do with my phone, it has everything to do with Zorin Connect just not being ready for prime time.

I enjoy using it mostly for copying links to clipboard, so I can share a video I am watching on YouTube, to somebody on my phone, thats the most real usage I am getting out of it. Yes, I've heard KDE Connect is better, but I just say forget it for me.

I can pick up my phone like a normal person, and check my messages and answer them like a normal person. I don't need to have full integration with my phone to my computer, it really isn't necessary.

Anyways, thats been my experience, which you are confirming as well with your post.

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i've tried zorin connect and kde connect ,and battled.
now i use localsend with no problems,just works.

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Thank you,
I've install GSConnect on my computer and also KDEConnect on my phone and it work fine now.
But I think Zorin Connect would work now because at first I had the same problem with KDEConnect, and I don't know why but when I change my computer connection to WIFI 2.4Ghz all worked, I came back to 5Ghz and it also work.
I hope I'm clear and it would help some people.

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That's ok just in respect of file transfers, but Zorin/KDE Connect offers much more besides: multimedia control, remote control for presentations using smartphone with the Zorin/KDE Connect, respond to SMS messages via the Desktop.

yes that's all i want to do , now and again transfer a file without having to search for a cable . I know kde connect has more features but i don't need it .
just another option for OP

I wanna share my last experience with GSConnect, after suspend my computer doesn't see again my phone.
To make it work I had to switch again WIFI 5Ghz to 2.4Ghz on my computer and it work again either if I come back to 5Ghz.
Hope it could help again.
Have fun :wink:

In my experience, suspend causes issues, which has been echoed by other people's experience as well. For suspend to work, it uses power management protocols, to cut power to many hardware components. So even if your system doesn't freeze coming out of suspend, it can cause your WIFI to reset, and other things as well.

Why not disable suspend entirely, go into your system settings, then go to power options, and disable blanking. And change suspend on power button, to shutoff instead too.

See the toggle for WIFI? Make sure that you are not disabling WIFI as well with power management. Now, once these options are setup properly, now is the time to have some fun, by installing XScreenSavers. Follow my post instructions here please...

Now reboot your computer, then once back into the OS, launch XScreenSavers...

Now, in XScreenSavers, blanking no longer means suspending the system. Blanking after the time you choose in here, means when the screensaver comes on. For security purposes, if you want the computer to lock when the screensaver you choose starts up, make sure to put a check in the lock screen after box.

Thats an old screenshot. Since I got a new monitor, I switched the time till the screensaver comes on, down to 30-minutes. To insure that your computer is most certainly not going into a full suspend/hibernation, go into the XScreenSaver advanced options here...

See how on the right side under display power management? I recently tested this, so I had a checkmark in the enable box, and set some time limits. This ended up being a nightmare, freezing my system.

Again, IMO, based on my experience, which has been also echoed by other's on this site, power management does not work properly on Linux, and causes many more problems then anything else.

Make sure that power management is not enabled, keep that disabled! I am 100% sure, these steps I provided to you today, will fix your issue. Why you ask? Cause when I've recommended this to other's on here, it also fixed their issue to.

Good luck....&...Enjoy them pretty screensavers :blush:


Thank you,
I will see that but I'm not a big fan of screensavers :wink:
I will stay on blank screen and not suspend my computer anymore.
btw I don't have the option to toggle WIFI to save power neither Bluetooth.

I think its amazing, back in the 90's through 2000's, everybody was into screensavers. So, it was quite common to go to someones house, seeing their screensaver doing its thing on the monitor. Schools and businesses used to use them as well. It does feel like the popularity of screensavers have fallen out of favor these days.

Here's the thing, you are likely on Zorin OS 17, while I am on Zorin OS 16, which means, that area has changed a little bit in OS 17. Having said that, I would be surprised if OS 17 doesn't have the toggle somewhere.

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For screensavers I'd liked them with my first PC when I was 18 in 1989 :wink:
but at 53 I prefer blank screen and don't ask me why :smiley:
For the toggle I tried to find but nothing, maybe one day I will fall on it...

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You change your computer connection to either 2.4 or 5Ghz. Just out of interest - how do you do this? It's not on Ethernet?
Again, do you have a VPN on? On Windscribe, you have to go into settings and allow LAN connection, which is off by default

I don't use my WIFI adapter, because I use an ethernet wired connection. Anyways, if you have your WIFI adapter enabled, it will show the connection settings.

My router have 2 WIFI separate band, I did that for my smart home (many hardware need 2.4Ghz) and the 5Ghz is reserved for my phone and computer.
No VPN and no firewall.

first is 5Ghz as mentioned, second is 2.4Ghz

That's why I couldn't understand how you changed the band for the computer if you are on Ethernet - I'd understand if you were on wifi