Zorin Core 17.x, LibreOffice Calc hotkey bug on 2 separate systems, works on 3rd

Linux noob, been using LibreOffice for several years (after decades of MSOffice). Running fresh installs of Zorin Core 17.1 on a referbed hp & 17.2 on (home built) Gigabyte GA-78LMT (MoBo), AMD 8 core and 24 G RAM. Both demonstrate the same problem as follows.

Running LibreOffice - Calc, attempting to hot key insert date (Ctrl+shift+:) or time (Ctrl+;) cell displays a lowercase ā€˜eā€™ (with underscore) until the next key action or command, when it disappears, with or without other characters in the cell, which remain.

Further, this function works properly on a referbed Dell laptop, Core i5 running Mint 21, Cinnamon.


Welcome to the Forum!

Did You checked which LibreOffice Version is on Linux Mint and which one on Zorin?

HI, Thanks.
Mint is running LO while Zorin 17.1 runs, & 17.2 runs

Can you double check this?
The way Libreoffice separates out its components... and how launchpad accepts uploads* can create some confusion about version numbers.

The Zorin supplied LibreOffice in Zorin OS 17 is and is the equivalent to Ubuntu 22.04.
But individual components in apt search can report, as you say... a broad range in version numbers, due to then having different starting points - or getting revisions more frequently...


Launchpad requires that a new version release number is assigned for every upload. Let's say your upload fails... You need to elevate the version number when you try again. You cannot just try to reupload it.
I have had some of my packages jump up by five numbers from a series of attempts to get it uploaded.
And I was only revising a typo in the initial release.

This is why I warn people not to jump to absurd conclusions about version numbers. By far, most often, the differences are minor and something being a few numbers behind does Not mean that package is... "horribly outdated...."
There is an expression about what making assumptions makes a person.

Zorin do update LibreOffice by themself. So, that isn't unnormal.

Maybe there is a change in LibreOffice with this Shortcuts in the newer Version.

Another Thing: Are You using the .deb Version or the Flatpak Versions?

The Dell (mint) came preloaded from a local recycler, the hp was a online Win 10 referb, until I got fed up with it. It was the 1st too fall to the Linuxmans ax. Not a bad distro but for a few bugs.
One of the reasons I chose the Zorin end of the Linux pool was that it came with LibreOffice and other goodies pre-integrated.
On the home built I deleted Calc than reinstalled the entire suite, without improvement.

Hmm ... did You take a Look in the Settings if there is anything to set up?

I typically spend a couple of days digging thru all the settings of a fresh install, I can't imagine what setting it could be. Also, the function is part of Calc while the behavior doesn't seem like a normal operation or any kind of bit need flipping, what with characters appearing and disappearing.

Could it be that the 'e' is an error flag specific to the date calculation function, and disappears when focus shifts?

Could be. What You could try: Install the Flatpak Version and try it there with Your Shortcut. If it works there, it could maybe be a Bug with the .deb Version.

Because of the Settings: I take a Look in the Settings and under Calc I found something called Compatibility where You can choose what shortcut Modell You want to use. You can't set up individual shortcuts. Only 2 Modells - Standard ond Open Office. did You take a Look at this?

Well, after consideration I'm still an electronics engineer not a coder and this small inconvenience is taking too much time. Also, Zorin 17, being a new distro itself, has some other bugs.
My standard procedure with a new Windows version has always been to postpone upgrade until the current version support ends; I completely skipped Vista, 8 & 8.1.
After a closer look at Mint-Cinnamon, it seems much more stable and mature, so I think I'll go that way.
For now.
Thanks for your help.

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When Linux Mint suits You better, that's totally okay. I mean, it is a good System.

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