Zorin menu won't open with right super, left super is not an option

I use the Win11-like menu and with SUPER+A I get the Ubuntu-menu. But it is a very good alternatieve (works almost the same). Only super-r is not an option, I guess...

Glad to hear that it does almost what you wanted :slight_smile:
As a former OSX (Hackintosh) user, I use a mac-like menu.

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In Zorin 15, or perhaps 12, alternate option was Alt+ F1. No such issues with KDE Plasma (it isn't Gnome). I have left and right 'meta keys' and both launch whatever KDE Plasma Menu I am using at the time! :wink:

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Nope, that's the activities-switcher (now). More ideas??? :smirk:

There used to be an option to switch between Activity Manager and Menu option. :wink:

It is still there.
In Zorin Appearance > Interface > Left Super Key
and click the drop down menu to change it from Activities Overview to Zorin Menu or the reverse.


Thanks for the confirmation! :wink:


Tried that, but still activities on both settings when pressing ALT + F1... :man_shrugging:

But that was not the solution for my problem, I guess...

Hmmm... I guess not. You are looking for a solution in regards to the Keyboard Shortcut.

Funny... on my desktop, alt+F1 brings up the right-click context menu.
On Zorin Gnome, what does the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog window show?

Actually no matter what I do, I never be able to make Super key to open application menu. It always requires Super +A.

Instead of torturing myself, I decided to customise my brain and now I've got accustomed to this key combination :nerd_face:

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I agree, but I have to use 2 hands for it. Wow, am I lazy or what...?! :laughing:


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Oh, you got Super key on the right!
I did not know there is such thing.
All my keyboards have Super key on the left pretty close to A.
This is what I use everyday.

Yup. That's why I asked for help. Zorin sees it as a right-super-key. There is no way to permanent set is as a left-super-key...

I wonder if you can change the alphabet A with other letters which is closer to this right Super key, such as L or K.

Great idea! Didn't think of that. But what is de command to open the zorin-menu?

Since I decided not to bother changing the shortcut, I cannot remember. I will as @Aravisian.

I have no idea. I do not use the Zorin Gnome version.
Unlike XFCE, the Gnome keyboard Shorcuts tab from gnome-control-center does not show the existing shortcuts with their commands. So I cannot check it that way on Gnome, either.
The program itself isorg.gnome.shell.extensions.zorin-menu

The keybinding schema is org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings

Well... I have now found another solution, which I can live with... :smirk:

Via SETTINGS > SHORTCUT KEYS and then NAVIGATION > SHOW ALL APPLICATIONS this modified from [SUPER]+[A] to [SUPER]+[/] and this works. Again I don't get the zorin menu, but I can now type in the name (partially) of the application and open a program like this (with enter).

Thanks all. :smiley: :+1:

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In the keyboard shortcuts can't you just search what the super key was defaulted to (activities or app menu) then change it and hit your super key which is a different acpi signal, which would change the binding to right super?

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