Zorin opens Software & Updates, Additional Drivers tab at startup

Hi, I installed Zorin OS 16 Lite a few weeks ago and been loving it so far. A few days ago, however, the Sofware & Updates app started to open directly to the Additional Drivers tab every time I start Zorin.

The app searches rapidly for new drivers and presents me with different drivers for my GPU : Nvidia Corporation: GM107M [GeForce GTX 960M], with a proprietary and tested driver selected (Nvidia driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-510), and apparently well installed.

From about the same time I noticed some screen tearing when scrolling on my browser and when watching videos. Like when an image changes, the screen will tear up from a horizontal line.

I tried installing other of the proposed drivers but nothing changed. My system is up-to-date.

Do you know why Zorin is prompting me with this driver menu every time I start my OS? And what can I do to stop the screen tearing?

I have Zorin installed on dual boot with Windows 10 on a HP laptop. And I use GNOME as DE.


I am a little confused as to which it is...

Which what? Sorry I am a not that familiar with Linux. Here is the result of neofetch if it can help.

No problem. You have Zorin OS Core, not Lite.

I recommend against the nvidia drivers that are labeled (Proprietary tested) next to them.
They tend to have some issues. I guess tested doesn't mean they fixed it...

If you open Software & Updates app, then move to the updates tab, you can change "Automatically check for updates" to weekly.

While you are in there... On the Zorin Software tab, move "Download from" to Main server.

Once all that is done, close it out (It will want to reload - just click "yes")
Then open a terminal with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+t or select it from the app menu
Enter in the below terminal command by copying it and then right click and paste into your terminal window:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

Hit the enter key and let it run...

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You have Zorin OS Core, not Lite.

Indeed, my bad.

I followed your instructions and ubuntu-drivers autoinstall reinstalled the latest driver, which is proprietary and tested. It also gives the following warning:

WARNING:root:_pkg_get_support nvidia-driver-390: package has invalid Support Legacyheader, cannot determine support level

The additional drivers tab is still popping up at startup, I guess because of the above warning. I installed the nvidia-driver-390 to test for different ones, when I was trying to debug, but now nvidia-drivers-510 is the one installed.

Can you please edit your forum profile and change "Lite" to "Core".
That will help us help you in the future.

It may be due to Nvidia dropping support:

What happens if you use the Nouveau Driver? OR an earlier Nvidia Driver?
(I guess if the 390 was tried and you still got the pop-up...)
If the 390 works you can apt-mark hold that driver to get the updater to stop pestering you, for example. Or use apt-mark hold on whichever driver works the best.

Thank you for your help.

It may be... I tried putting the installed drivers (nvidia-driver-510) on hold with apt-mark but the driver menu is still popping.

Interestingly, if I unselect "Proprietary drivers for devices" in Software & Updates, Zorin Software. The driver with the error message mentioned above (nvidia-driver-390) does not appear in the Additional Drivers tab anymore, but this menu is still popping at startup anyway. This lead me to think that the warning message from the ubuntu-drivers command in not related to my problem.

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