Zorin OS 17.1 Pro freezes when copying large folders

Hi there,

I (had to) try to create a fresh install of Zorin, because the upgrade does not work.
Now I want to a Folder (including sub and subsub folders) - some folder have more than 70000 files. Zorin always freezes when trying this.

I also tried to do it using Freefilesynch - also freezes the OS. Same does Terminal with CP -R.

It seems Zorin cannot handle a huge number of files - Or did I do something wrong?

Any ideas to solve that issue?

Thanks in advance!


Maybe it depends how big it is - I mean not only the Number of Files. I mean how many GB's all the Files have. Maybe You should try it with little Portions one after another.

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What if you just wait? It's not said that the process was interrupted. Also, clicking around when the system freezes you should see a request to terminate the process or wait. When I was playing a Windows game with Wayland it wasn't freezing the system during a process as in your case but during maps loadings it was showing that request every 5 seconds so I wouldn't be surprised if my issue is comparable to yours when using Wayland. To test the process you can click the gear button in the bottom right corner of the login screen to change to Xorg. Ponce-De-Leon's suggestion is nice, too :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I ran into this issue a few years ago with ElementaryOS. The recommended solution at that time was to use rsync.

That worked, so I installed Grsync and used that instead for large file transfers (anything over about 5GB).

To this day, I just install rsync/Grsync and use that instead of any file management application or even a CP command in terminal.

Might want to try rsync/Grsync to see if it's a good workaround...

Thanks for the tip with grsynch - will try.

I waited multiple hours, but even the mouse did no move - and the count in freefilesynch stopped - all files are very small - all 70000 were on one DVD. The system definetly freezes. Manual copying is not an option.

Grsync just worked perfect! Thank you for this.

@ Zorin - If Grsync Runs without any issues - and extremely quick as well: what ist the Problem with the File Manager or even the cp command?

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