Zorin OS 17 Beta Feedback

My problem is not selecting Send Feedback, is with the network in general

as you can see in the screenshot isn't connecting, but I don't really believe that is a problem related with the OS

Is this Ethernet or WiFi, and which software being used for VM?

At that time Ethernet, but I had the same problem with WiFi anyway, I'm using QEMU. I have had other systems installed that way and the network has worked correctly for them.

Not virt-manager?

Yes, I'm not sure how it works but apparently QEMU uses virt-manager, I don't really use virtual machines much, just to install a distro, try it for a day or two and realize that I like Zorin better, I have a little more experience with virtual box from when I used windows but I never really liked it

I launch virt-manager, it uses qemu but I don't launch Qemu directly. When I've used it in other distro, Devuan, all the packages including qemu get installed. Had to install qemu after virt-manager in Beta. No issues. The beauty of virt-manager is you can configure hardware under details. I've been using the Beta on a bare metal install and used virt-manager to run the Beta on the Beta and used the VM to produce the manual for the Beta in Tutorials & Guides.

Still a work in progress.

Thanks again, @zenzen.

Open the file manager and go to Templates...

It worked. I wish it was already renamed for me. I think user should feel comfortable when switching from Windows or macOS.

Please use the Send Feedback launcher to report this directly to the devs.

It turned out that feedback launcher is just a link to the page with feedback.

But instead of...

Thank you for your feedback.
Our development team will read your feedback shortly and consider it in a future update.

...I would like to read a feedback from real developer, as it was some time ago.

At the end of the day, all these little things make user more loyal and encourage to switch faster.

@swarfendor437, have you tried to change emulated network card from our virtual machine?
It may happen that this is a driver issue.

Someone else would complain that why it isn't something else entirely... it's just a matter of preference, and very simple to change. Bear in mind that Linux is not Windows, and Windows is not Linux.

When you think of the volumes of feedback received by two developers that make all of this possible; The OS, its many additional software packages, its repositories with all the changes and maintenance, as well as maintaining this forum, covering all legal workings including multiple nations laws in relation to their products... It makes a lot of sense that some automation is necessary.

Artyom and Kyrill Zorin absolutely 100% do read and react to the feedback. And I have absolutely no idea how they manage it all. These must be two people who are highly organized with excellent focus.
How well can any one of us read through this one thread and pick out the relevant suggestions or bug reports, prioritize them and then consider or act on them without losing track or getting lost in sifting? And they do this across the entire forum.
And yet, we do not hear words: We see the implementation of that feedback, regularly. Even when the ZorinGroup needed to develop from scratch a means of making it happen.

While the ZorinGroup are not chatty, they are not absent, either. We can not only see the results in the development. Or even the occassional response they give to threads on this forum.
Some time back, I ran into some stickiness on my own development side. And I could not figure out what was wrong and searching the issue on the web was not helpful. I figured... Artyom Zorin would know. So, I sent him a PM here and asked. A short time later, he replied with a full walkthrough on how to resolve the issue which included his own developed tips that make it easier.

Zorin OS Pro includes direct installation support from the ZorinGroup. They stay very busy with replying to users and it can take some time to get their reply due to the volume of people in front of you in line. They must prioritize based on these time constraints to focus on that which needs a directed response, rather than being noted to fix in the code without the need for a direct reply.

I can assure all readers in full confidence that their feedback of all kinds is in good hands.

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? I don't have any network issues now or previously running virt-manager. What made you think I was having network issues? All VMs I have ever run in virt-manager on any distro I have never had a network issue. Could never do that in VirtualBox even if you changed the settings to allow that. (Corrected this post - was able to drag a file from Zorin 16.3 /home partition to /home partition of VM!)

I don't know if it is because I am now on my second failing hard drive, but booting from cold, when it gets to the logo of ZORIN flying in, couple of seconds after screen goes blank, then the same occurrence happens again, i.e., ZORIN flies in again, then slow hard drive activity a few seconds after needing me to reboot, go into recovery mode. I then usually start network, then drop to root terminal prompt and check for updates. None this a.m., then exit out then select first menu item of resume booting, and it boots into the Beta. Would be nice to know other people have got a spare drive and a hot swap bay for drives like me to test Beta on Bare Metal.

I have Beta installed as a dual boot on a machine that also has LM23.2 on it. Zorin is the default OS so it boots up automatically as the first choice on the Grub menu. It seems to be booting up normally. And so far everything seems to be working fine with the exception of the software store being very slow to populate the page after you select a catagory of software you want to look at. Howeve the search function of the software store seems to work fairly quickly. I have downloaded and installed Betterbird and Ungoogled Chromium and a couple of games and all have worked fine. I know at least one other person has reported problems getting downloaded software to work but I haven't seen that. I have also noticed that since I have done a real install I no longer am getting the popping noises when using my mouse that I was getting when running live off the thumbdrive.


Wasn't Zorin supposed to be programmed in Rust? Or have I misunderstood something here?

I also - got setting up personal work preferences down to about 45 minutes max - lol

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As far as I know, there's very little Rust being used in any GNU/Linux distribution, only few bits here and there. The only major project that I know of that is written in Rust, in the context of Linux for desktop, is the upcoming desktop environment by System76.

The .deb package for gnome-shell-extension-manager installed by Software is 0.3.0. This version is for Gnome Shell 42, and doesn't work properly in Gnome Shell 43. Specifically, the "Browse" function results do not have the "load more results" button and you may not see a match.

The best option for users is to install the Flatpak version which works correctly.

I don't know if this is the appropriate topic, but as a Zorin Lite user, I was wondering if a useful suggestion for the Zorin Group would be to increase the size of the xfce calendar a little, as the xfce default is quite small. I know there are tutorials for this, but they require command line, something new users want away from.

I did move this post to the Zorin OS 17 Beta feedback thread as a means of ensuring the @staff can review this suggestion in regards to the upcoming Zorin OS 17 Lite edition of Zorin OS.

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Getting some jittering of images when using Activities Overview button:

Graphics card is a Zotac nVidia GeForce GT1030 with 2 Gb GDDR5 RAM.