Zorin OS 17 Pro updater error

On bootup or restart I see the error screen above. Detailed errors from the package manager states: 'failed to build result for a45df35ac0e948ee180fe216a5'. Now my printer is not working. When I go to Settings-Printers I see 'Sorry! The system printing service doesn't seem to be available'. I could use some assistance. I have tried the common update/upgrade commands to no avail.

Can you try:

fwupdmgr refresh

fwupdmgr get-updates

Can you state your printer make and model?

canon pixma ts3300series

Is your Software Updater set to your country's server? If so change it to Main Server. Start Software updater, then click on Stop. Then click on Settings button. Go to first tab and if Software sources is pointing to your country's locale then use the drophdown arrow to the side and change this to 'Main Server' and restart Software Updater. Also is your internet steady and not metered?
In regard to printing, did you install the Linux drivers from Canon?

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