Zorin Os 17 release

Ireland creating good movies.

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I've read some of the discussions in the community and the official blog announcement, but I'm still wondering about this.
More and more software is no longer adapted to Ubuntu Focal (e.g. OBS in the latest version of the official repository), and there is also a lot of software that needs to be updated to a version that is not supported by Focal in order to work.
I've been aware of your release strategy, but it's been a couple months since Zorin OS 16.3 was released and I still haven't learned anything more about Zorin OS 17. Please at least let us know that it will be officially released in a few weeks.

This is the Forum. There are only two Devs on the project and it takes time to release a stable version of Zorin as it needs lots of checking. I refer you to this thread:

The unofficial consensus is around this December 1-31. Not sure if OBS is available as a Flatpak but it seems more distributions like Zorin rely on Flatpaks and/or Snaps to have newer software. But, that’s if developers keep those contained applications updated too. So, that is sort of one of the reasons I prefer Mint but I do like Zorin more. Zorin has their own PPAs for popular applications like LibreOffice so you get a newer version every point release despite still being on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS base. It is what it is. Hopefully in less than 45 days we will get Zorin 17.

Zorin 16 Beta - 15 april
Zorin 16 Released - 17 august

@337harvey This is about Zorin Lite.
Zorin 16 was released in August (Zorin 16 released).

I hope they spend less time between beta and final version.

:+1: :+1: :+1:


For me. Nothing rush it exist thousand linux distributions.
I am just very happy Zorin open for me the door to the linux world.
I was taught how to installing operating system linux.
How to installing drivers.
How to installing software.
How to solve the problems.
Zorin is a kindergarten, a school for beginners.
The collected information allows for in-depth knowledge of Linux in other distributions or areas.


Several posters have recently pointed out that there is a lack of support from certain areas for Focal, even if it is LTS.
That this falls on those independent developers does not extricate any distro, sadly. The end user still must have their needs met.

From my perspective, it is certainly frustrating if a software developer sets dependencies beyond LTS. It is their prerogative, I suppose, but is kind of one shooting themselves in the foot, too. They easily fall back on saying that it is the distros fault for not upgrading to meet their demands.

The only course is for Distros to try to keep up. Even if it devalues LTS.

I have seen members post on this forum with expectations of Ubuntu 23.04 level upgrades back before Zorin OS 17 was even staged. So what we end up with is a range of Expectations.


The only point cause im waiting for zorin 17 is the glibc version used in the ubuntu LTS Version. its outdated and i cant install many software cause of this old version. Im verry happy with Zorin 16. But the lack of new libc version sucks.

I found on Zorin os github new files icon for ZOS17


So any news or information - we have less than a month less in 2023.

Please stay tuned to the Zorin OS Blog for news and announcements.

A release date has not been set. What we can anticipate is "Soon."

Only specific editions of Ubuntu are immutable. The Ubuntu LTS versions that Zorin OS uses as a base are not.

However, the subject of using Debian as a base has been discussed before.

... or even Devuan!

Hello to all of you:
I have been watching Zorin Os github and I could see that developer activity has increased.
Does this mean that the beta release of Zorin Os is near?

Yes and most of the Devs left to form Devuan, no systemd. :grin:

Only 2? I've got KDE neon, VM of Zorin on it, another drive with MX-Linux on it, another drive with Antix on it, Another drive with Devuan 3 on it, oh yes and a dedicated drive with Zorin 16.3! :grin:

Oh, and 4 external hard drives, plus another drive with Windows 7 Pro 64_bit.

Judging by their Twitter (X) posts, it seems Zorin 17 might come out in 2 days' time


Nah, Microsoft stole Linux Code, Windows 7 Bootloader used Linux CD Launcher. Microsoft also donated to a right-wing organisation that paid a Software Engineer to see if Linus had stolen any Unix code. When the software engineer reported there was no evidence he was told to look again.

Except the Unix Philosophy is do one thing only and do it well, which is where Microsoft bought out poorly written code, e.g., QDOS. Nowhere does that article quote anything about CD bootloader.