Zorin Os 17 release

Should do the trick: How to Install Firefox as a Deb on Ubuntu (Not a Snap) - OMG! Ubuntu


I know, thanks, though.
Would still be nice, if they implemented that.

Desktop cube!! :sunglasses: Awesome, been missing that with Zorin haha


Installed without a hitch, love the Zorin Appearance app and the updated GNOME w/Quick Settings. Just a couple of icon artifacts when customizing the dock that logging in again took care of.

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I have updated "Beautify your Zorin" thread - so take a look.

I haven't tried beta out, yet - will Core have a Mac-like theme; or is that a Pro only deal? OOB that is haha

Mac is only pro theme ( at least in the past)

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Right - yeah, got Core 16.3 now haha

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Why 16.3 ? Use 17 :slight_smile: it is better

Almost done downloading actually! But, not my main machine yet. I'm waiting for alpha build and Pro version for the main one. Been waiting to test on my other machine though :wink:

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Honestly, with the new Gnome, you basically have the Mac like anyways when you switch to Gnome vanilla layout. All you need is the extension that will always show the application starter. Which is probably the only thing they'll do for doing the Mac like.


Firefox is testing a Debian-only version (not the ESR version) like Chrome which should be available maybe next year (guessing). I don’t use Firefox but that will be a good option. Mint has their own Debian version which they maintain.

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Oh, this definitely isn't my first rodeo - with Zorin yeah, but not Ubuntu; been using since 6.10 :wink: I think the easiest Mac layout to setup is with MATE - just need to install Plank, add to startup, move the taskbar to the top, remove the window list, set the taskbar settings to 'traditional' OR 'Pantheon' and good to go! Minus the cursor and icon themes.

Out of all the cloned derivatives - DreamLinux was my favorite :grin: Have one machine that can still run V3.5 pretty dang stable too; even WiFi! But, for stability - Zorin Lite 15 32bit :+1: I think that's where it's going to stay - not even 2GB of RAM on a 'designed for XP' Dell laptop :smirk:

And good results so far on the craptop I've got! :laughing: Good ol Gateway GWTC116 - WiFi works OOB! But, that elusive essx8336 that was just mentioned in another post - got me! Tried with the Live disk to see if I could use the drivers I have on hand - nothing.. gotta install and play with it; I know that's coming lol

Gotta do a backup first though - then I'll get down on the install and sound stuff - might have a working fix for the other person too.... Gotta play with it.

Works fine with Ventoy for Linux.

Just as in 16 core you just have to tweak the bottom left layout to be like Mac:

Or alternatively after you have installed KDE (Plasma):


I have to say I am turning more and more into a KDE Konvert! :rofl:

Oh yee-uh! haha I was playing around with it last night; centered the taskbar to look like Win11 :smirk: Have had the touch-display disabled in BIOS - weird Silead device / driver; and the rotation sensor - neither really worked in any distro.. might have to try again with 17 though.

I like it so far. Need to do a backup and then it's on like Donkey Kong!


I loved Ultimate Edition that offered 'deformed cube' basically an oval sphere.

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Will the release of new beta builds utilize the Zorin Upgrader tool or?