Zorin OS 17 - steam stuck loading user information

The client is slow to start, it runs slowly - lagging from input. Dodnt bother with downloading games.

As i mentioned i a previous post, i believe it is somehow related to the steam guard code and their newest QR confirmation. Using their mobile app solves the getting stuck in the 'Loading user information'... at least it has so far.... i woll report back if it breaks down again...

Have you tried switching DNS servers as suggested?

Also, I would highly recommend switching to X.org just to rule out Wayland messing things up:


Mind you, choosing "Zorin Desktop" actually means Wayland, even if it is not explicitly mentioned. It is the standard option unless you switch manually.

I dont understand what you mean?

Wayland, x.org? What is it?

Okay, so wayland and xorg are the software stack for gfx rendering?

I have chosen auto logon, how do i change to xorg outside the logon screen?

Uhh... i see that wayland might be causing problems with nvidia... okay. Trying that now

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Great, please let me know how it goes. :blush:

It seems the legion laptop was already using x11 by default, it has nvidia gfx so i suspect this is why.

This also means that since both computers had rhe same problem, one with wayland and one with x11, that i wasnt (probably) the root cause.

That said, i have modified the custom.conf to disable wayland, and default to x11. A quick reading on the web displays a lot of people having issues with wayland.

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That said, i have fixed some stability issues wrt. Booting the system. Once kn a while it would simply.... judt show a black screen, or freeze with the zorin logo.

Whether it was wayland bugging, or bios settings i am unsure.

I disabled the following in the bios:
Intel PTT (dont use it anyway)
Intel SGX (dont use that either)
Secure boot
PXE boot to lan. (I suspect this to be the trouble maker)

I have noticed that Zorin gets unhappy with an unstable internet connection.

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