Hey. So what happened was I was upgrading my packages and for some reasons some packages weren't being installed. I reeboted the pc and it says Oh no something has gone wrong?
If i logout it still does the same error. What should I do?
Hey. So what happened was I was upgrading my packages and for some reasons some packages weren't being installed. I reeboted the pc and it says Oh no something has gone wrong?
Welcome to the Forum!
Do You mean with ''upgrading'' upgrade from Zorin 16 to 17 or simply make some normal Updates? If yes, do you know what Updates and Packages that were?
Even if I have never experienced this screen, I did experience a slightly broken gnome shell some months ago on Zorin. Apparently, apt broke something during an update, but the fix was as easy as just running this in the terminal:
apt --fix-broken install
Since you can't reach the desktop to open the terminal, we will have to access it in another way. Press the keyboard cobination Ctrl+Alt+F6. The screen should turn black with the exception of a little bit of text on the top-left of the screen asking for logging in. Type in your username, then your password and now your entire screen should be one big terminal. Try running that command there.
When you are done, you could go back to Zorin's login menu, which I think was in the F1 tab, so Ctrl+Alt+F1. If it's not there or, for whatever reason it froze, go back to Ctrl+Alt+F6 and type "reboot", so the system reboots.