Zorin Panel Doesn't react to touchscreen interactions (On wayland)

I got a Touchscreen HP laptop and (ofcourse) the first thing i did was installing Zorin on it.
Everything works as expected but the System Panel. (and a lot of cursor stuttering that doesn't happen on X11)

The Zorin Panel extension doesn't react when clicking on itens on touchscreen. It can open the apps if they are closed, but it cannot restore a minimized window or change the focus to it.

Video of the problem: Gravação de tela de 2025-01-14 23-11-27.webm - Google Drive
(Every click that happens without a cursor was made with touchscreen)

I have tried to change those options on the Extension Settings, same results. The Panel works as expected on X11 sessions. -- I supose this is because X11 doesn't differ between mouse and touch. Right?

Yes. you should stick to X11 in this case.

Wayland is in it's stages and not everything works perfectly.


I agree with @GolfBallFromBeefyDie

Personally, with as many people having issues with Wayland, I really would suggest you stick to X11, cause Wayland is not ready for prime time. May the X11 be with you!

For the Moment, You should stay on X11 when it works. When Zorin 18 with a newer Gnome Version is released, You could try it then again.