Zorin Root space is insufficient

How to check hard drive whether have problem?

Here is a quick guide from Ubuntu:

My screen freeze when I login what should I do?

Do you have the nvidia drivers installed for you 9 series card ?

I just use software update only and it takes up the whole 50GB and now my laptop stuck on black screen. What should I do? Why root file up more than 50GB and ubuntu just said need 20GB what happen?

Your the only one i know on this forum that has 50GB of files in ZorinOS. Stuck on black screen has to do with the latest kernel update probably, revert back if possible.

Can teach me how to revert kernel?

Well i am pretty new to linux as well @Aravisian can guide you with this.

@Aravisian, i think he got the same issue as some other users if he did a kernel upgrade.

If I get freeze after typing password what is the problem?

Honestly... Matrex, I believe you should reinstall Zorin OS. Something has clearly gone wrong.
If you have a 50 gig space reserved for Root and it is filled; This should not happen. That combined with other issues suggests a corrupted or broken download.
I would go right back to the beginning:
Download Zorin OS:

Check the 256SHA

Burn to your USB using either Rufus, Balena Etcher or Unetbootin.

Then boot into the USB and install.

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I install second time and my root file stand a 90GB but I have prepare 100GB for root file what is the bugs that happening to this I think this is the issue so that after reboot it freeze and my I cannot use anything. I have redownload and use it.

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So, the first time, you set the Root Partition at 50gigs and it nearly filled it... You reinstalled and set the Root directory to 100gigs and it filled 90 gigs of it?

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Yeah, this one makes no sense to me. At all. I have never even heard of this happening before.


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