Zorin Software updates

Wow the board is really slow today (my time) .... only 2 questions .... amazing ....

Well let me change that .... today I had some software up dates and the usual message "can't down load as not enough space" or something like that .... so I did the Ubuntu Cleaner trick but no luck .... still no space .... so rather than bore you with my typing I screen shot several photos as a picture is worth a 1000 words .... first I will show my HD disk using GParted .... then Ubuntu Cleaner and finally what was recommended by the terminal ....

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated ....

Your boot partition is too small. I usually recommend it be set to 500 megabytes.

Why are all your partitions formatted in NTFS...?

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I have no Idea why that is .... I'm sure when I set it up they were in Oppppps it appear I showed my Win drive instead of my Zorin drive ..... here is my Zorin drive .....

What is terminal output of

sudo dpkg --list 'linux-image*'|awk '{ if ($1=="ii") print $2}'|grep -v `uname -r`

You still have a filled /boot partition... I see it is 5oo megs, though...

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sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove

sudo update-grub

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

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OK ran everything no errors or warnings .... do you need to see the results it is rather lengthy ...

Did it run out of space?

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No it finished ......

Looks good. Might check the Software Updater just to be sure...

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Back on Win again as no internet on the Asus again .... gonna work on that today ....

It appears that the downloader worked as it said some programs need the computer to be restarted and when it did I lost WiFi on the Asus ....

Thank you sir I'll get back to you later or maybe tomorrow for you .... LOL

Odd... I just checked the available packages. I do not see any new kernel. THe only net-related package I see is libfreerdp...

You also should format your disk to EXT4. It's faster and better than NTFS.

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Thanks .... in post #3 above I showed my true GParted Photo for Zorin Pro .... as I dual boot on dual drives I forgot that Gparted shows the first drive which is Win 10 .... NTFS .... while my photo on post #3 shows Zorin 16 Pro using EXT4 ....

Good catch

Well I can't check it this morning as when I booted up and Pro started Software update popped up and my WiFi crashed .... I don't think software caused that crash it's just that stupid WiFi card AGAIN ..... I bought another Wifi Dongle for Linux but again I can't understand how to run it even with the mini-CD .... there are no real instructions with it mostly just for Win which is kinda dumb as it works with Win Install but no such command for Linux .... I can't figure out how to load the drivers ....

I wanted to see if the dongle would work to ensure that is the problem before I split my case and removed the WiFi card so they could order a new one ....

Can you give the specs, make and model of the wifi dongle? Maybe we can help find the right driver.

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The WiFi dangle part of this thread has been moved to ...... "Installing a WiFi Dongle"

@Frog. I did notice a typo in your terminal screenshots. i.e. you typed autotremove instead of autoremove.

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It's a good thing Frog is not running Suicide Linux. :wink:

But yes, he did catch that typo and correct it during that process.


Not sure just what happened but my software updates were able to be installed this morning so I will mark this problem as installed unless it proves other wise .....

Thanks to all for your comments ans suggestions .....