Zorin Stuck in Inifinite Boot Loop

To clarify, I am pretty sure that I have zorin 17, but I do not know how to check now that I can't boot in.

I have had zorin for around 9 months and everything has been splendid. I have partitioned my desktop to use windows and zorin. I usually only use zorin. Today, I had to use windows and booted it as I have many other times. However, when I tried to boot back into my zorin, nothing was happening. I pressed [esc] and checked the bios menu and manually chose to boot into my zorin. When I did this I found that I was in an infinite boot loop. I get this error before it instantly tries and fails again:

Unexpected return from initial read: VOlume Corrupt, buffersize 1000
Failed to load image ??: Volume Corrupt
start_image() returned Volume Corrupt

I suspect that booting windows today had something to do with this. I asked chatgpt about some potential fixes. I already tried downloading zorin to a usb, entering a live session, doing an fsck, and updating grub. This did not work. I have no idea where the problem is coming from, my zorin or my bios? What are some potential avenues for fixing this? Is this a fixable problem? Do I somehow try to just recover my files from my drive onto some external storage device and reinstall zorin? Is there any information that I can provide from a live session that will help resolve the issue, maybe log files?

Lets quickly check your Zorin file system...

  • boot to a Zorin 17 Live DVD/USB
  • open a terminal window
  • type sudo fdisk -l
  • identify the /dev/XXXX device name for your "Linux Filesystem"
  • type sudo fsck -f /dev/XXXX # replacing XXXX with the number you found earlier
  • repeat the fsck command if there were errors
  • type reboot

Update #1:

  • use fdisk to identify the EFI partition. It should be a FAT partition.
  • sudo fsck.fat -a /dev/XXXX

Update #2:

Your EFI partition is not fixable by using fsck.fat. It's corrupt.

You can try using Boot Repair, instructions are found here, and it may or may not, be able to fix the problem. You'll need a Zorin Live DVD/USB to proceed. Once booted to the Zorin Live DVD/USB, you may first wish to manually backup any important Zorin or Windows files to an external HDD.

Otherwise you may have a hard disk problem. You can use the Disksapplication to review the HDD's SMART data, and test the drive, for more info.

If that doesn't work, you'll either have to manually rebuild the EFI partition, or reinstall Zorin.

Update #3:

Boot Repair fixed the corrupted EFI partition, and the machine properly boots into Zorin again.

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Sometimes after booting up into windows after a while and it doing its updates, it'll turn on the fast boot options again (because they know what's best for you after all). I would check those options within windows and your Bios again, just to make sure that that's not what's going on. At least if that were the case, it would be an easy enough fix.

Back when I was dualbooting this was a common thorn in my side.


I went into to the windows settings an believe that I changed that settings that you recommended. Did I do something incorrectly? Also, I could not find a fast boot option in the bios settings. Did I miss it? My computer with the following settings was unable to boot.

Your first picture shows Fast start-up unticked. That is correct.

I dont know that version of BIOS myself, but can you post a picture of BIOS "Security" section. I suspect Secure Boot etc may be listed there.

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When I get home I will take some pictures, but in the third picture, Secure Boot is listed there. I have tried with it ticked on and off, but unfortunately still can't get it working...

I have also been working on the fix that Michel mentioned, I am currently backing up my computer and will try the Boot Repair soon.

Thank you Michel, the Boot Repair fixed my computer!!! :grin:

I used Boot Repair through a live instance of Ubuntu. However, it seems that the program terminated prematurely, saying that I needed to have SecureBoot off. I went to reboot and turn that setting off, but I properly booted to Zorin! I checked and I can also still access my Bios.

To note, my boot seems a bit slower and shows a text menu while booting that it did not display before, but given a few seconds it boots to Zorin. Thank you so much Michel and applecheeks37!!!!

PS. I am deleting my partition of windows for good after this experience :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Glad the solution has worked for you. Enjoy your linux ride :sunglasses:

Make sure that Windows> Power Options> Fast start-up is still unticked (as post #4 photo1) before you go wiping Windows.

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