Hi , recently upgraded 16.3 pro to 17pro , I have an outstanding query with Pro helpdesk (no response yet) about inability to preview videos with spacebar (Totem not working) , if anyone can help . but I can live with that .
But Today I was printing some documents & it suddenly stopped printing after some update I agreed to, Print jobs in queue but not sending to printer,
Also Im impaired vision & after rebooting Laptop the fonts got a lot smaller, I no longer have acessibility option in settings, Infact settings are not acessible at all in the main menu or right click on desktop. This is so frustrating .
If its not corrected overnight by another update or rollback I'll need to ask how to rollback to 16.3 pro from 17 as this is unworkable .
Hi, don't know if it is relevant or otherwise, but Zorin 17 now boots into a DE that uses Wayland, not x.org. Have you tried booting into x.org? At login, select your username and a cog appears bottom right - click that and choose the bottom option below Zorin (default) to Zorin on xorg.
Another update came through thismorning, my printing issues resolved, but had to chose a new added printer option . My screen resolution is back but universal acessibility is still gone.
FWIW here is the terminal output, but its after todays update, yesterdays caused the issues, thanks.
Thanks, I tried xorg and it does not help, Overnights update has solved most of the issues , so I guess the switch to Wayland, whatever that is, caused my issues.
Wayland is the new desktop compositor (graphics environment), more secure than x.org. I did not realise that x.org was so insecure as it can be used to log keystrokes.
Also, in terms of Software Updater have you got it set to Main Server?