ZorinOS Google Drive

Hello, actually i'm a computer student and i use Google Drive to sync my drive.
Actually it's work but i can't use the terminal in the google drive section ( Network ) to git pull or launch file with actually vscode did someone can help me or give a solution please?


Hi @Altheron and welcome to the forum :pray:
Could you please try with sudo before the command, like sudo code, sudo apt, etc. :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me call my other Tech friends which can help you here. They might take time to come, but they can solve your problem. @Aravisian, @StarTreker, @FrenchPress assemble :love_you_gesture:

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Thanks you :slight_smile:

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Your welcome :wink:

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Click Zorin :zorin: logo. Click SETTINGS.

You must connect your Google account for any Google services that you do. Once you do, Google Drive should show up in the Nautilus File Manager GUI.

The following screenshot below was taken from the internet for illustration, this is not my screenshot.

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I apologize, but that is as far as my knowledge can help you. I am not a developer, I dont use GIT. And since you say your already connected to your online account, your going to need support from somebody who has more experience in this area. I don't know who that would be in this case actually.


Speaking for myself, I would never do this.


You speak for me as well, because neither would I. And neither do I have a Google connected account on my system either, for the same reason I know your thinking, privacy, security.

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Thanks you all :slight_smile: and i hope you got a nice day

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