A fond farewell to... Sourceforge?

Many users have noted High Demand can equate to slower download speeds.
Others have had issues in certain countries that disallow access to SourceForge.

The ZorinGroup notified earlier that they have migrated away from Sourceforge 'to a set of independent mirror servers.'

Hopefully this will allow more access at higher speeds. By all means, please share your experiences.


I have had better speeds with the new iso servers than i ever did with sourceforge. I have not yet experienced the mirrors as if i was redirected due to traffic, i didn't notice any message. 90MB/s download is a nice change from the 20 - 30 MB/s i saw with sourceforge.

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When will we be able to torrent Zorin 16 from official source?

I can download directly just fine with slow speed, but I'd rather not waste my bandwidth risking the ISO getting corrupted.

It is avaliable from official source...

I provided a mega mirror because of the demand.

Zorin Torrent is often asked about. It may be that due to the piracy and other shenanigans we are seeing on reddit, that there are good reasons to avoid Torrent in this case. But it is worth the ZorinGroup considering the option.

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