Adding an Appimage to the application menu

Continuing the discussion from Appimage In The Application Menu:

I have this same question but regarding the Linphone appimage application. The application is working for me but I would like to pin it to my favourites and have it in my aplication menu.
I've tried following the instructions but I've clearly missed something as they're not working for me.
Am I supposed to have [Desktop Entry] as my first line? And am I supposed to name the Text Editor file something particular?
Thanks so much for your help

Screenshot from 2023-03-03 12-33-56

You might try:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/sunlight/.local/share/linphone/linphone-5.0.12.AppImage %f

You can also place this in /usr/share/applications and see if that makes a difference.

If you don't want to do it the desktop file way you can try this app

install it using

flatpak install  com.github.ryonakano.pinit

You can add a menu entry with the menu editor application:


I couldn't get this to work but thanks for trying to teach me!

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Thanks! This worked very easily.

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