All my desktop shortcuts are broken and other problems

I have Pro, can I also run the command?

Good catch. Your profile says you are on Core.

The command used to be premium-desktop but that may have been changed to pro-desktop... I would need to fire up a copy of Zorin OS Pro to double check this and it may be a bit before I can do that. You can harmlessly try them (All that will happen is it will say package not found) or perhaps another Pro User migth chime in sooner.

sudo apt install --reinstall zorin-os-desktop-pro

I get the following error message:
sudo: Fehler in /etc/sudo.conf, Zeile 0 beim Laden des Moduls »sudoers_policy«
sudo: /usr/libexec/sudo/ darf nur vom Besitzer beschreibbar sein
sudo: Schwerwiegender Fehler, Plugins konnten nicht geladen werden

sudo: Error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0, loading module "sudoers_policy"
sudo: /usr/libexec/sudo/ must only be writable by the owner
sudo: Fatal error, plugins could not be loaded

Elevate to root

sudo -i

Ensure this successfully elevates. If it does, run

chmod 644 /usr/lib/sudo/

chown -R root /usr/lib/sud

I get the same error message again

If ownership was changed to your user for those, let's try running just as they are above without sudo...

I get the following output:
toedliches_auge@ToedlicherPC-linux-zorin:~$ chmod 644 /usr/lib/sudo/
chmod: Zugriff auf '/usr/lib/sudo/' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

toedliches_auge@ToedlicherPC-linux-zorin:~$ chown -R root /usr/lib/sud
chown: Zugriff auf '/usr/lib/sud' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

toedliches_auge@ToedlicherPC-linux-zorin:~$ chmod 644 /usr/lib/sudo/
chmod: Unable to access '/usr/lib/sudo/': File or directory not found

toedliches_auge@ToedlicherPC-linux-zorin:~$ chown -R root /usr/lib/sud
chown: Unable to access '/usr/lib/sud': file or directory not found

It was a shot. It is not finding due to those directories not being in Home Directory.
This is a catch-22... you need to elevate to sudo in order to adjust sudo file...:expressionless:

If you launch File Manager and navigate to /usr/lib/sudo/ and right click, move to permissions, what does the Popover show?
Same for '/usr/lib/sud'

I cant find these. If I search for sudo (in /usr/lib) the only I get is this.

I have fond a file named sudoers. but it is in etc not in usr/lib/sudo/. Is this file to right one? If it is then this is the pop up:

I'm sorry, my path was wrong. Of course, it shows it in your quoted material - but I was moving too fast.

chmod 644 /usr/libexec/sudo/

this is what I get from the console:
toedliches_auge@ToedlicherPC-linux-zorin:~$ chmod 644 /usr/libexec/sudo/
chmod: Beim Setzen der Zugriffsrechte für '/usr/libexec/sudo/': Vorgang nicht zulässig

chmod: When setting access rights for '/usr/libexec/sudo/': operation not permitted

And this is the pop up from the file:

It shows as owned by root...

I keep needing to attend other details and be away from the computer, so I am operating while distracted. Let me either return to this in a bit - or another use may offer help soon.

I just noticed something else. For some reason my hard drive just fills up. There were still 200 GB free and now they are full. I then uninstalled a game and the free space gradually filled up. I don't know if this information helps in any way.

I don't know, but somehow I think a fresh install might be best, but I would prefer not to reinstall. What do you think? If so, is there a way to reinstall Zorin so, that my files, data, installed programs, etc. still remain there and only Zorin itself is reinstalled?

This sounds like /var/log may be filling.
You might check jounralctl or clean out logs with

sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1s

and see if that space used is reduced.

I pretty much always think a fresh install is best.
I, too, suffer from wanting to avoid it. But the reality is, it is never as bad as I fear and it reduces clutter, clears out junk I have forgotten about and gives a nice fresh clean start. This reduces conflicts that build up, as well.

I do back up personal files, docs, music, etc on an external drive.
For reinstalling software, I use this method:

Sorry for the delays and short messages: It is hectic here...

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Thanks, but unfortunately I can't get to Zorin anymore. All I get is the following picture:

I will now reinstall Zorin.

Ok, I have now reinstalled Zorin. But when I try to recover my data I get the following error message:

You can try installing the missing packages:

Using pip from above you can install the google API client:

sudo pip install google-api-python-client

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Ok, I will try, when I am back on PC.

it worked