Android Tablet as 2nd Extended Desktop Display

You can only wrote what tools or things you used or links then i can try do that.

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  1. Download VMWare here:
    Download VMware Workstation Player | VMware

  2. Run installer from terminal:
    sudo Downloads/VMware-Player*

  3. Follow the instruction thereafter to install VMware Player.

  4. Download Windows iso from MS official site:
    Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File)

Alternatively, you can use the older Windows CD/DVD as an installer.

  1. Search the tutorial on net for the best setting for Windows VM. Sorry I have no time to give you more detail but there are literally tonnes of tutorials on Youtube.
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I have taken research on internet and websides channel or tutorial guide how do that and I don't have a problem put any operative system in vmware but it was very unstable and slowly. If someone watching my topic where I tried do that.
I can wait a month or half year if this will working.
You talking about this tutorial.

OK. No rush here re Wine and MS-Office, so rest easy.
I will assume your subsequent post re VMware was not in reply to me. I don't plan to install VmWare just for MS-Office.

It is for @Bourne :slight_smile:

I have been using VM Windows over 5 years and I've never experience a single stability/performance issue.

You might want to check the memory CPU core allocation in your settings. When it comes to VM more is NOT always better. It is a balance between the host OS and guest OS that is important. If you give too much resource to guest OS, it will cause an instability.

Yes probably i doing something wrong.

My 5 years+ experience tells me so :wink:

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PARAGON Hard Disk Manager 25th Anniversary Limited Edition.
Copy my psychical drive for vmware soon testing. Going very fast.

Apparently this VirtScreen solution is supposed to work and also fix my visual artifacts on my second display. However, I haven't been able to get the initial intel xorg file to save.

This guy at this youtube video tried to explain, but, I was unsuccessful.

I'm probably just doing something wrong. Logging out and Rebooting does nothing for me in creating a Virtual Head.

Would anyone be willing to try and then explain to the newbie me? LOL.

I was able to successfully install & activate on CrossOver (14-days trial) today:

M$ Office 2010 Pro Plus Student Edition from ISO image. It automatically chose 32-bit. Service Pack 2 works too.

M$ Office 365 (University Provided) 32-bit EXE installer from M$ Website.

I couldn't get ProWritingAid-M$ Office Plug-in to install.

I also got WeChat Desktop app to install and work. Only thing is, in videoconferences, the other sides video is sideways. I couldn't get my laptop camera to work on Wine5.03-zorin2. But works in CrossOver 21 (based on Wine 6.0). Might be better in never Wine versions, as it's now up to 6.18 release.

Chinese language:

  1. sudo nano /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the line of 'zh_HK.UTF-8' and save it. Uncomment any other languages code you need.
  2. sudo locale-gen for applying the change.
  3. Start CrossOver by this command from terminal: LC_ALL=zh_HK.UTF-8 LANG=zh_HK.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=zh_HK.UTF-8 /opt/cxoffice/bin/crossover

If this work for you, you can modify 'Exec' section in /usr/share/applications/cxmenu-cxoffice-0-29ra4ke-CrossOver.desktop to make it looking like this:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env LC_ALL=zh_HK.UTF-8 LANG=zh_HK.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=zh_HK.UTF-8 /opt/cxoffice/bin/crossover %u
Comment=Run Windows software with CrossOver

Then got Chinese to display and for input by setting OS system language, then logged into the language. I then logged back into Zorin in English. If needed, run im-config in terminal and choose ibus and logout then back in, reboot may be needed. CrossOver support helped.

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Thank you for testing this out.
I think I failed to mention in my previous postings that I also used Cross-over Linux instead of Wine.
In theory, Cross-over and Wine should work the same way.

I think so too. I read its website saying they're the same developers, but CrossOver paid further assist in development for both. Crossover is based on Wine with certain specific modifications I think.

Its lifetime option is a bit too expensive. I'm still considering the yearly or lifetime option, as I plan to eventually leave Windows eventually.

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Run Microsoft Windows software on Mac, Linux and ChromeOS | CodeWeavers this is what you mean?
Yeah lifetime is expensive.

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I actually submitted a few apps for compatibility issues during my 14-days trial now. I have two that don't install and one crashes upon loading. It's possible I'll get the lifetime license eventually....

Just thinking about it makes me :sob: for my tiny :bank: account.

VM solution is a free solution provided you already have a Windows licence.

My laptop is old and probably isn't powerful enough to efficiently run a VM. Also, I only have a 256GB M.2 SSD. No space in drive or my tiny desk to place external USB drives. LOL.

I forgot the spec of your machine. What was it?

Dell XPS 13-9343 Early 2015
Core i7-5500U 2.4Ghz
8GB RAM Soldiered
256GB Lite-On M.2 SSD SATA 2280
AX200 Wi-Fi 6 Card

It is better spec than my HP Elitebook.
It is enough to run VM.

You can keep your VM Windows on a USB connected HDD/SSD to save space on your internal drive.

The advantage is that you can easily move the VM to another machine with this external drive.