Ares-Commander (CAD)

I'm trying to get the Ares-commander application (Download do Software CAD ARES Commander) from the company Gräbert to work. It's a CAD application, has a cloud interface with AutoCAD and a Linux version that initially runs on Debian and Ubuntu... well... during installation it always appears that there is no permission, I've tried the installation via graphics, command... I'll look for some alternatives in command but I'm opening the discussion. The web version is good for drawing, I hope the on-desktop version is too...

This one is tricky as the company requires a user to make an account with them in order to review the product.
Can you please outline the steps you took to install the software including the package format that the company provides?
Is it a tarball? (Tar.gz)
is it a .deb package self installer?
Some other format?

Well, I created an account, so much so that I was able to get their web application to work (ARES-Kudo). I used the .deb package, there is also a tarball download option, but I am trying with deb, because in principle, it should be simpler.
The message is that I do not have authorization and I installed it with the SUDO password

Did you try double clicking the .deb and then entering your password at the prompt?
I use gdebi for managing .deb installers.

sudo apt install gdebi

I use dpkg

sudo dpkg -i <name>.deb
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So, I'm looking for several ways to make it run, I managed to open a .dwg file and strangely it opened the ARES-Commander application, which I'm trying to install, and I found the location where the application is installed: /opt/graebert-gmbh/ARES Commander 2025/Linux see the print... what I can't do is create an icon or a link to the application... if you can give me an idea, even if it's pointing to another topic, I'd really appreciate it.

If the exeuctable in /opt successfully launches the software, then you can create a desktop entry to add it to the app menu. Place the .desktop entry into /usr/share/applications to add it to the app menu.
The launch command would be the path to the executable in /opt (Including the executable name and extension in the path.)

I base this reply on the assumption that

means you launched the application with that test.

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