Auto restart when doing work

Let me get out of the hp and to the asus and boot

I boot to it, it said loading files, and after loading it didn't boot to it, instead it went to normal boot and i am back in zorin

Oh, heck. Did you know you can directly download the update from within the UEFI / BIOS on the Asus?

At time 2:08.

No, let me see the video

There was an option to install via internet

I think that's your best bet, since Ventoy won't boot on that machine.

I am gonna do that, what do u say?

Doing it

If it doesn't grab the latest UEFI / BIOS, it may be that you've got to update in stages. So check what version is installed after it's done, and if it's not the latest (non-beta) version, try it again.

This is the stable version it grabbed.. the 6603 is beta version. So doing it

All those processes to update the bio went in vain​:laughing::laughing:

That's a version from 2020/08/10. You've got 5606 (2021/08/09), as well. So I'd try it again after that update is done and you've rebooted once.

Yeah, that's the way it goes sometimes... you devote hours to hacking your way though something, only to find there's a process that would take only minutes.

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This is new beta one i was talking about.

Let's update it to 5603 that it grab now.

Then i will check again after restart to see if it fetches anything more

I believ i will get 6042 one, 2022 edition

I'd stay away from beta versions... they're unstable.

Ah, I see... my browser had cut off 6026 and 6042. Yes, definitely go with 6042.

Yes, 5603 is updating now, after update and restart i will again check, the 6042 is a stable version of 2022/5/12
Hope i will get that

It came back to this window and shwoing 5603, i should restart and do the same again right?

Yes. Even if ZorinOS crashes, get at least one reboot to make sure the UEFI / BIOS initializes.

Ok, on it