Bluetooth not working in freshly installed zorin

i am using dual boot window+zorin.
after adding zorin os in my laptop my bluetooth is not working. what to do so i can use bluetooth ? pls help me

Hi and welcome to the forum.

What is your bluetooth device?
This may help troubleshooting, e.g. post #2 to list your BT information. Bluetooth Device not being detected

Some have problems where windows clings on to devices. In Windows power management, disable Fast Start-up tickbox, otherwise Windows sits in a sort of hibernation state ready to startup.

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Welcome to the Forum!

Beneath @zabadabadoo's Advice with Fast start up in windows, do you have Secure Boot and/or Fast Boot in Your BIOS active?

Do zorin run in Wayland or Xorg Mode? To check that go to Settings>About and there to the Line Window Manager.

You could check if in the last Line in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf AutoEnable is set to true or false.

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