Brief Login Error

Is Zorin Installed on that computer?

It was but then I formatted and wiped the SSD about 2 months ago.

I currently have the Zorin OS on a USB Drive via Ventoy.

I am back to confused then... You are seeing that brief login error on the LiveUSB? I wouldn't even worry about it at all. I would just install Zorin OS.

The issue is after I had Zorin installed on my computer at the time, the Brief login error still kept showing up and now when I have the Zorin OS on liveUSB via Ventoy instead of Etcher, it's still going to show up again...

Please remind me, which Graphics card do you have?

The graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050Ti.

Interesting. I wouldn't think that would be it...
Next hardware that could relate would be your network.
You could try

sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service

Post installation and test.

I bought the computer last year when the model itself had just been released as I wanted to start using Linux distros on the latest piece of tech out there.

You might also consider a later kernel then.
You can install the TuxInvader 6+ kernel post installation, as well.

However, as you have Ventoy - why not grab an .iso of Ubuntu 22.04 and try a boot test with it and see if that error appears?

Back in December 2022 I had tried installing Ubuntu onto my computer but it had just kept on freezing and forcing me to take out the liveUSB and shut off the computer.

Then I had decided to settle on Zorin as I had just stopped using Windows at the time.

This may seem an absurd question but have you checked the manufacturer for any BIOS updates? Sometimes they throw a patch out pretty quick due to it being necessary.
A Firmware Issue may explain the issues you had on later Ubuntu and with Zorin on a nearly new machine...
The Nvidia 3050 really should be just fine. I am running a 3060 and never had any trouble with it.

When you had installed Zorin 16.2 via USB Drive how did you not get the brief login error notice at the top left of the screen?

I don't believe so, but it may have happened without noticing it. But I do not get that when I boot up now.

Ok but how did you stop getting it then?

I cannot confirm that I did get that - so I cannot speculate on why it ceased, if it did.

All I can say is that it is generally harmless and Probably relates to something needing authentication during startup that initializes before authentication can occur.
There are many things that may resolve it - Checking firmware, changing the kernel version (Kernel is a large cluster of hardware drivers)... really, the best way to tackle it is on an installed system.

So if I install Zorin now via LiveUSB, I can then tackle the issue?

I do think it would be easier and more direct in a baremetal install due to the Drivers being more specific for the hardware and for access to the system files.

Small question: is it really necessary to use BalenaEtcher or Rufus? When I tried BalenaEtcher all I got was a white window so I tried simply moving Zorin OS files to my USB stick and now I'm using Zorin Core so looks like I by-passed some steps :grin:. I unpacked the .iso file through WinRAR, nothing hard, simple and direct :sunglasses:.

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