Can I haz - Single click to open desktop shortcuts?

I already have single click to open selected in the file manager.

I want the shortcuts on the desktop to work the same way.

Is this possible? If yes how?

I don't know if this is helpful

You can scroll down for more options

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Har lige prøvet det, virker ikke :unamused:


That was indeed helpful.

I installed Nemo (file manager) and I like the way it looks and works better then the default file manager. I have single click on in there and I've now learned, it works only in there

I've also learned through things like this that I now have 2 files managers installed and each controls different things.

I had to open the file manager that is not set as defult and turn on single click in there. Apparently it still controls the desktop.

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That is due to Gnome's inherited Windows theology of "We control everything, you control nothing; we make the desktop how it should be, not what you want it to be." That is why I am a Plasma user and not a Gnome user. (And Zorin is not my daily driver anymore.)

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