Can't access terminal after update

I ran the software updater and as a result my screen went blank. I can't find a way to get to the terminal.
My computer has zorin os pro 16.3 lite on it. It only has zorin os on it. No other os.

So, your System runs normally but Your Terminal doesn't work or is Your entire System not working?

I looked away as it was updating and when I looked back there was a blank screen with a little line flashing off and on in the upper left corner like a cursor.

Did it before inform you of a Reboot because of installing Updates?

That sounds like it booted into recovery mode. Are you still encountering this even after rebooting? If yes, try entering startx.

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Or a faulty nvidia driver. My wifes notebook got hit by nvidia drivers, blinking cursor during boot or black screens during boot (before login screen). It can be many things!

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It said nothing, just went to blank screen.

You mean turning it off and on when you say reboot? I've done that several times.

It comes on and HP with the zorin white logo underneath comes up. The zorin logo is flashing white. Then the zorin logo changes to a bigger one and that's all.

The cursor pointer flashes in the center of the screen and then the little line in the upper left corner flashes. One flashes and then the other continuously.

Try entering TTY or Terminal with ctl+alt+F4 or ctl+alt+F5
(If doing this from the desktop, using ctl+alt+F7 will get you out of TTY)

sudo apt --fix-broken install

sudo apt update

If using Nvidia:
sudo apt remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'

sudo ubuntu-drivers install

sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove

sudo apt full-upgrade

Reboot and test...


I pressed cntl-alt-F4 and the prompt asks for login so I put my password for zorin os in but then it comes up with a line asking for password?

Where do I put my zorin password and what is the login then?

If you see this screen, it should be asking for your User Account, then your password. It is a confusing screen and many users put their password into the Username line because it is not very clearly specified.

Another option might be to reboot - pull up the Grub menu at boot by tapping tab or esc and selecting the Advanced Options... (Recovery) option. This will lead to the Recovery Menu.
From there, Enable Networking first.
Then back up to the menu and arrow key down to Drop To Root Prompt.
Tap enter - this will place you in a terminal where you can enter the necessary commands.

Do I choose zorin with linux 5.15.0-92 (recovery mode) generic or
zorin with linux 5.15.0-91 (recovery mode) generic?

You can choose either. You are merely trying to reach the Recovery menu - the two options are just the two kernels you have installed.

A prompt comes up at the bottom left of the screen that says "Press enter for maintenance (or press cntrl D to continue)

Yes, tap enter

So after tapping enter the prompt on the bottom left now says: root@(my personal code that's different than my zorin code)-HP-Pavilion-17-Notebook-PC;~#.

In this terminal, you can now follow the guide written here:

I tried to get the terminal to come up by pressing ctl-alt-F4 and it just went back to the line wanting my hostname or password.
So I turned off my computer and turned it back on and did all of the steps you told me to try before.

When the box came up in the middle of my screen the first time that said "Continuing will remount your / filesystem in read/write mode and mount any other filesystem defined in /etc/fstab. Do you wish to continue? I answered yes. Now I'm at that box again. Should I answer yes?

I'll check back again for your answer but if it's too late for you I'll check in the morning CST.

This is not necessary. The steps above got you to a terminal:

Yes, since you need read and write access to Root.

We appear to be in the same time zone, so at least can schedule replies easily.

I thought that might have been where things don't comply but I answered yes and then chose Drop to root shell prompt and I again get: root@(host name)-HP-Pavilion-17-Notebook-PC;~#.

Maybe I should have asked, is the above response after I chose Drop to root shell prompt the correct response?
Or, what does the terminal look like? What will it do or say?