Can't boot into Zorin

Hi, i have an Acer Aspire Switch 10 with a fresh Zorin Core installed.
The problem is, that it can't boot into it, because of the 32bit UEFI and 64bit CPU combination?
Is it possible to add grubia32?

Oh No, a mixed 32bit/64bit system. Maybe see this: [EDIT] Cannot Install Zorin iso 16.3 pro 64-bit

All ZorinOS from Z16 are now 64bit only.

already tried, but in the grub command line, it can't found the vmlinux kernel

Edit: I'm a step further now and can boot via the live stick. Now it's not possible to add grub32, because of shim-signed and can't remove it.

I think I remember seeing this solution before somewhere but I cannot recall the details.

From what I remember, the bootloader from a 32-bit distro should be able to boot 64-bit distros just fine (assuming the CPU is 64-bit). So what I think could be done is install a 32-bit distro to a small partition, so the 32-bit grub gets installed like usual and detecting the Zorin installation as a dual-boot, then you can boot Zorin from there fine.

A distro that still offers the option for 32-bit is linux mint's debian edition:

First I would recommend trying the grub repair program from the 32-bit live environment and see if that can solve the issue. If not, resizing the hard drive to have a small partition where you will install the 32-bit system as dual-boot as I said before could also be another option.

I have just received a donation of a laptop for a charity table top sail and found it has this operating system on it but it keep asking for password to enter the computer the password was not given with the computer would you recommend formatting and reinstall this system again ?


Even if you had the password, for the sake of privacy and security concerns it is always a good idea to reinstall the system after getting a previously-used laptop

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