Colors are very dark and saturated on Zorin 17.1


It is 100% unnecessary to set the later kernel as dependent on the higher libc6 version. Why does Canonical (and only Canonical does this...) do this?

Ok, so we have established that the drivers included in the kernel for Arc resolve the issue. But, the Linux Headers have a set dependency higher than the system.

What we can try for ease of use is to test a slightly earlier kernel like 6.7 and see if it is using the dependency of libc6 current to the system, but also contains the Arc drivers.

I'm now on kernel 9.7, and I've still the same problems.
The command uname -r returns 6.7.0-060700-generic.
When I run sudo dpkg --configure -a I get :

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-6.7.0-060700-generic :
 linux-headers-6.7.0-060700-generic depends on libc6 (>= 2.38); however :
  libc6:amd64 version on system is 2.35-0ubuntu3.6.

dpkg: linux-headers-6.7.0-060700-generic package processing error (--configure) :
 dependency problems - left unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-6.8.1-060801-generic :
 linux-headers-6.8.1-060801-generic depends on libc6 (>= 2.38); however :
  libc6:amd64 version on system is 2.35-0ubuntu3.6.

dpkg: linux-headers-6.8.1-060801-generic package processing error (--configure) :
 dependency problems - left unconfigured
Errors were encountered during execution :

Does the 6.7 kernel resolve the Color Issue?

If Yes:
Can you use the Mainline tool to go ahead and remove those kernels.
Once that is done, ensure Secure Boot is disabled in BIOS / EFI settings.
Then install the 6.7 kernel supplied by TuxInvader:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tuxinvader/jammy-mainline

sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-6.7.5

Yes, it does

Which kernel are you talking about ?

The 6.8 and 6.7 kernels. Since they are giving a dependency error, the best action is to remove them and revert to a fully working kernel; otherwise you are left with a broken package as well as not running on the Linux-Image from that kernel.

The TuxInvader supplied kernel has a fix tot he depends file that allows you to add the kernel on your system. TuxInvader is not currently offering the 6.8, which is why I asked if the 6.7 works.

I have two problems:

  • first, I had to reboot on kernel 6.5.0-25-generic to remove the other kernel, but the dependency error is still there
  • secondly, when I run sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-6.7.5, I've this error :

E: Can't find linux-6.7.5 package
E: Can't find any package matching the regular expression "linux-6.7.5".

sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Here is a link to the repository:

You can see the package listed.

linux-6.7.5 (6.7.5-060705.202402201038) jammy; urgency=low

You might try:

sudo apt install linux-generic-6.07

Thanks ! I have no more dependency error !

Yes, it's strange that I can't install it

I tried but I've a similar error :

Reading package lists... Done
Build dependency tree... Done
Read status information... Done      
Some packages cannot be installed. This may mean
you've asked for the impossible, or, if you're using the
unstable distribution, that some packages have not yet been
been created or have not been released from Incoming.
The following information should help you resolve the situation: 

The following packages contain unsatisfied dependencies:
 linux-generic-6.07 : Depends on: linux-headers-6.7.5-060705-generic but is not installable
                      Depends on: linux-image-unsigned-6.7.5-060705-generic but it is not installable
                      Depends: linux-modules-6.7.5-060705-generic but it cannot be installed
E: Unable to fix problems, faulty packages are in "keep as is" mode.

My mind is just blown, now.

Please run

sudo apt --fix-broken install

That command should remove anything that was attempted.

We will need to look further into this.

When You now don't have the Error could You try it again with the Mainline Tool and the 6.7 Kernel?

The error will reassert due to the Mainline supplied version setting a higher dependency on libc6.

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Yes, I understand :sweat_smile:

I ran this command and then tried to install the kernels again with

sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-6.7.5


sudo apt install linux-generic-6.07

but I have exactly the same problems

Looking at the 6.7 packaging, there is a fault in the uploaded files. The TuxInvader supplied packaging sets its dependency on those uploaded.

The 6.6 kernel supplied by TuxInvader have no upload fault - and that installation works.

Let me see if I can setup a corrected kernel .deb for you.
Currently (Thanks solar storms) I am on minimal internet, so cannot download a file quite that large at this time.

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If you can do that, that would be fantastic! Thank you in advance!

That's no problem at all! It's already fantastic that you're doing all this for me, so I can't blame you for a little delay!

I am looking over what is included in the kernel...
Have you tried the 6.6?

sudo apt install linux-generic-6.06

I tried scrolling up through the thread but could not find anything.

I just tried it and it didn't make any difference.

Well, after a very lengthy download, I too, am running into build failures. It appears related to gcc and rust, and when I looked into it; it led me back to tux and that it appears I am not the only one who is baffled by why the same configuration that works on other builds:

Misery loves company; I do not feel so bad, now.

So, another alternative is to use the Zabbly kernel which member @AhavaLeaf suggested on the forum previously:

To add the repository, copy paste the below long-winded command into terminal:

sh -c 'cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-kernel-stable.sources
Enabled: yes
Types: deb
Suites: $(. /etc/os-release && echo ${VERSION_CODENAME})
Components: main
Architectures: $(dpkg --print-architecture)
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc


Install kernel:

sudo apt install linux-zabbly

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The output is :

sh: 1: cannot create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-kernel-stable.sources: Permission denied

How can I give it permission?

Sorry, use sudo to elevate.

after running the command :

sudo sh -c 'cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-kernel-stable.sources
Enabled: yes
Types: deb
Suites: $(. /etc/os-release && echo ${VERSION_CODENAME})
Components: main
Architectures: $(dpkg --print-architecture)
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc


I get no output and if I run sudo apt install linux-zabbly I get error E: I can't find the linux-zabbly package, so I must have installed the repository incorrectly.
What have I done wrong?