Desktop layout changed itself from "Zorin Windows standard" to GNOME ? - Zorin Appearance not working

I have Zorin OS 16.3 core and suddenly the normal Zorin OS Windows layout changed itself to GNOME (Think it is called that). Are rather new to Linux but have used Zorin OS for many years without any problems at all. But today I can not come back to "normal" Windows style.
In Zorin Appearance it says that is should be windows

but no the looks is GNOME.

Have tried to figoure out what is going on and find a forum post about the same issue. someone suggested you should execute following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install zorin-appearance
sudo apt-get install zorin-appearance-layouts-shell-core
sudo apt-get install zorin-appearance-layouts-support
sudo apt-get install zorin-auto-theme
Have done this and rebooted several times after that but still no luck.

Machine always starts with the for me rather unusual GNOME Layout. OK I can perhaps learn that layout to but for me as a normal Windows 10/11 user itś feel more "at home" with the good Zorin OS Windows layout.
Can someone help me in right direction what more I can do?
Kind regards

  • Have you somehow modified or remove ~/.config folder?

  • Have you tried clicking on a different layout and then click back on windows layout? And reboot your system?

Hmm do not think I have modified or removed anything. Was using my machine as normal for my work (office365) and Citrix Workspace. After work i just closed down the machine for night and the day after it was changed?

Tried now to change to another layout and rebooted but no change. Tried to change back to the normal Windows and reboot but once again no change.

Some others have reported this issue.
Maybe have a look at this: Desktop Icons Keep Disappearing and Appearance Changes by itself - #15 by Aravisian

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I have noted multiple threads on this issue and sent them upward to the ZorinGroup @staff for review.


Great to know it's not just my machine that's acting stupid. ZorinOS has been rocksolid so really like it. Simpel even for a Windows user as me. Looked at the link that was suggested and all I can say is my machine does not have an Intel graphics card. Run a simple NVIDIA card with driver Version: 470.199.02.

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