Ethernet and wifi issues - new install

Temporally connect to WiFi using a USB dongle known to work in Linux?


But OP doesn't have one, I think... because if he had one we had told us

The cheapest one I found was 2 Euro at evileBay.
But more reliable one is 5 to 6 Euro at Amazon.

If OP wants to know which chipsets works in Linux, I have a list.

It works 100% Tp Link devices should work in Linux

Not necessary so.
The newer chipsets might require a driver compiled from the source, since it is not yet integrated in Linux Kernel (been there done that).

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This says the driver package lacks the proper file TO install.

According to the page:
It's supposed to be there.

No wifi- no ethernet - it is the worst. This would be easy if the computer could connect:

This isn't a new chipset... In fact it goes all the way back to the 3.something kernel.
I do know with certainty that the 5.4 kernel contains the drivers.


I have a TP with the exact chipset, it works well

just ordered this, is this one ok?

USB Dongle

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Should work with kernal version above 2.16.3. ZorinOs is using 5.11 I think.

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There a re 2 different versions of TL-WN725N.

Manufacturer did not update the product number even they changed its component.

Version 1 works in Windows only (the one one I have).
Version 2 supposed to work in Linux (but I did not try it myself).

I hope you will receive ver.2
Otherwise return is easy at Amazon.

The list of WiFi chipsets confirmed to work in Linux (by me).
RT5370 (150 Mbps)
RT2870 (150 Mbps)
8188cus (150 Mbps)
8188eus (150 Mbps)
RT5572 (faster 300Mbps)

Always look for the chipsets.
Sellers could claim that it is compatible with Linux.
However, it is an empty promise unless it has a compatible chipsets.


On the Amazon website, it said "it will work with Kernal version 2.16.3 and above."

Yes, I read that.
But I also had such empty promises betray me in the past.
Most buyers use Windows.
Those buyers would not complain even if it does not work in a such esoteric OS called "Linux" :wink:

That is why I always insist on "check the chipsets before you buy".

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Should work because I have many TP Link products that work on Linux

This totally confused me lol

It's the same thing we did

You are just lucky.
There are many products out there which only work in Windows.
I hit several of those in past .


I just tried this in another thread- let's try it here, too. Because earlier, I did this with you but did not include the "rtl" portion. It's worth a shot...

sudo modprobe -r rtl8192ee && sudo modprobe rtl8192ee

Please relay the results here...

It's a lot of words to describe something simple.

Packages are kept in Repositories that you can access if those repositories (repos) are in your sources.list and unlocked for you. On Zorin OS, this is automatic.
In some cases, you need to add a repository to your sources.list so you can access its packages. That page outlines One Command to add a repo.

Once the repo is added, you can update your sources list with sudo apt update and then install the package that is in that repo sudo apt install (Package-name).
See? Easy.

But since you have no internet on this build, you cannot do any of that.

90% reputable brands have specifications on the packaging.

You made this statistic up.

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Yes because 90% I just look at the packaging and it's there.