Failed to Completely Purge Evolution - Pop-up Keeps Appearing

I gave Evolution a try but I didn't like it so I uninstalled it and purged it using terminal. or so I thought. It was still showing in "installed software", so I uninstalled it there too.

I went into Google settings and removed it from there too, and double checked just now - it's gone - because I keep getting this pop-up every few minutes and it's driving me mad!

Does anyone have a magical Terminal command to exorcise this vampire, pretty please?

How did You uninstalled Evolution? Did You used the Command sudo apt purge evolution-common?

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Hi @Ponce-De-Leon , thanks for your reply.

Common was missing.

I'll try that now - thanks!

Get a list of installed packages first, and filter by name:

apt list --installed | grep evolution

See what that comes back with, so you can then remove it.

Alternatively, since it's clearly running in the background, you can check active processes to see whatever remnants are still in place — did you try to restart already?

pgrep evolution

This would return the process id number only which you can then scan for more accurately with:

ps -ef | grep <PID>

# or, both in one go
ps -ef | grep $(pgrep evolution)

It may also be worth checking things like Calendar as well.

Thank you @zenzen , yes I have restarted already.

I'll try your ideas listed above and let you know.

Not really sure how to check the calendar - I don't use it here and didn't touch it in Evolution. I use it on my phone for convenience, which isn't connected.

So, the pgrep command may return a list when there's more than one process found. In that case, the output doesn't work well with grep, so you need to search for each process individually. Use ps -ef | grep evolution or ps -ef | grep <PID> with one Process ID at the time to see processes are.

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All right, I'll try what you're suggesting @zenzen , although I'm a bit unsure of what to do with the results.

I did try thinking laterally and tried using Bleachbit - and sure enough, Evolution IS still there and running BB didn't do the job of cleaning it or its cache, which is unusual. I've been using it for years and it's pretty powerful.

Fixed it: went into the files, found the "Home Directory", entered .config and deleted the Evolution file!


Job done - no more pop-up!

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Warning: Do not to delete evolution-data-server files.
See this post: Evolution fails to connect to Mailserver - #11 by zabadabadoo

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Thanks for the warning @zabadabadoo , I appreciate it, but don't worry I won't delete anything else as the problem is now solved.

Edit: I followed the links and read both the posts, so I understand. :smile:

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