Firewall settings unresponsive

They are small computers.
Single board computer to be precise.
100% Linux compatible :slight_smile:

There is even a keyboard integrated version. All you need is mouse and monitor to have a working Linux machine.

I use them (simple keyboard-less version) as printserver, network wide ad-trap (pihole), connected non-smart speakers, WordPress server and OpenMediaVault (NAS).

I meant /usr/bin...
BUT, I'd say risk going ahead and removing all python 3.10 or 3.9 you find and crossing your legs, I mean fingers...

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Wow very cool! Sounds indeed very good! I know some people who run their media servers on those as well :slight_smile: What is a pihole btw? (For dummies please :smiley: )

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Hahaha, well okay :open_mouth: You really mean like removing any file related to 3.10/3.9 I can find? No backups?

In /usr/bin/ there's btw only one python3.10 file. DELETION!

I'll delete everything I can find now

You can read about it here.

It basically filter all advertisement serving servers in the database and display an empty space instead of advertisement. Advertisement server believes it displays ads but in fact, it does not. Internet is a very quiet place with Pihole. It works differently from the ordinary ad-blocker and never slows the network down :slight_smile:

You can install it on the cheapest PiZero (priced something like 10 Euro) which runs on the USB port - very easy on the electric bill.

@Aravisian Dude, I don't know what to say! You saved me another 500 hours of fumbling, restoring and frustrating upon reinstalling everything. Idk how I can make up for all the help you already provided me with. It is working :pray: And the other program I wanted to have a port forwarded for and what made me open this thread in the first place, is also, for the first time, working :pray:

I don't know what to say, besides THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You really saved my black seatmeat.

And @FrenchPress thank you for sharing your experiences with me and preventing me from going crazy for the last hour :joy: :pray: Pihole sounds like a huge thing, wow! I didn't know this was even possible! Thank you 2 guys for being such outstanding supporters for this outstanding OS! :heart: :heart: :heart:

I work in customer service and what you are doing is far beyond 'average', so thank you from the bottom of my heart again!


1 guy and 1 gal :slight_smile:

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I can't... I can't breathe...


What we just did above was a very risky move... just so you know.

Yet, we are all unpaid volunteers :slightly_smiling_face:

Hahaha I needed another word for that, as nothing's allowed here, so....seatmeat it was :smiley:

Alright! Thank you guys and gals then! :heart:

Yeah! I can totally sense now that it was suuuper dumb what I did and could've damaged my entire setup irreversibly! I'll think twice the next time or at least take some time to make sure I don't damage anything major. Thank you again :heart:

I know right???? This makes it even more valuable! I know (and you do too) people who get paid for that and aren't half as good as you guys (and gals hehe)


Which... kinda shows the risky move, Harvey...:wink:
You can always say that it is not risky as long as no mistakes are made.

Some software looks for "python at current version" but some looks for "python at version that it is supposed to be for that build". The latter is the problem.
If the user were to have tried to correct this by reconfiguring that software, then remove that later build of python: Cats and dogs living together...


Try this fix

That's why I live in comforts of Gnome with Zorin as it's likes.. not worth the headaches for me. I have enough with daily life as it is. :thinking:

Thank you for the suggestion, tried it and the script resulted in an error unfortunately. Gufw is still a bit laggy, sometimes taking a minute to execute a simple input. Not sure what's wrong, but most important is that it works now :smiley:


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