Forums themselves: need to be able to reply to closed topics

For example: Unminimise windows from the dock doesn't work (used to work with v16 Pro and also worked after upgraded to v17 Pro)

  • I solved this in the end by re-installing everything and then applying my own tips posted here (prefix Solved:).

But I can't post a reply to this forum topic anymore.

This is bad. Because someone encountering the same or similar problem won't see my solution because I couldn't post it.

And those who are considering Zorin may look at problems like these and draw the wrong conclusions that they weren't resolved. Not a great look, for promoting Zorin, giving it the best impression that it very much deserves.

StackExchange sites allow posting of answers, comments long after a question has been asked, in fact there is no time limit.

In short: closing forum topics after 3 months is bad and unhelpful. Please change.

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There are definitely two ways of looking at this with strong opinions either way. Even as you suggest that topics closing after a time period is bad and unhelpful, others will complain vigorously about thread necromancy and Old Threads being unhelpful, outdated or too old.

There is an intermediate: Any member that needs access to a closed thread can Flag the thread (or post within it) or PM/DM a moderator and request it be reopened.
I have just reopened your previous thread for you.


Thank you, I have now updated that topic with my solution.


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