Full mac like theme or any other beautiful theme

can anyone recommend any beautiful theme(except starlabs theme) or mac os theme for my system?
my monitor specs are:-

  • Diagonal Viewing Size:
    49.4 cm
    19.45 inches (19.45-inch wide viewable image size)

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen (16:9)

Panel Type, Surface:
TN anti glare with hard coat 3H

Optimal Resolution:
1600 x 900 at 60 Hz

Viewable Image Dimension (H x W):
432.0 (+/- 1.92) mm x 239.76 (+/- 3.42)mm
17.00 (+/- 0.08)" x 9.44 (+/- 0.13)"

Contrast Ratio:
1000 to 1 (typical)

Backlight Technology:

250 cd/m2 (typical)

Response Time:
5 ms (black to white)

Viewing Angle:
(160° vertical /170° horizontal)

Tilt only

Color Gamut (typical):
83% (CIE 1976)1

Color Depth:
16.7 million colors

Built-in Devices:
Dell Display Manager

Pixel Pitch:
0.27 mm

Display Type:
Widescreen Flat Panel Display

Flat Panel Mount Interface:
VESA (100 mm) mounting holes for flexible mounting solutions

Display Screen Coating:
Antiglare with hard-coating 3H

Audio Output:
Optional Dell Soundbar (Model #AC511)

Themes are something of Personal Tastes. It is based on our own sense of aesthetics and what one person may love, another may hate.

You might search through deviantart or Pling (gnome-look, xfce-look) and just visually browse through currently compatible themes and see what catches your eye.
Find what appeals to you. What you don't mind waking up to. What you feel invigorated to begin your workday by seeing.


Install KDE - you won't regret it! Here is my desktop:

Preview of Neonyt-Global:


I'm going to try that one but so many fires to put out that I haven't got around to it yet .... but I will

I tried kde but it freaks me out a lot, since I hate windows and kde rreminds me a lot of that design


I tried everything even gnome-look but nothing is there as I want it to be. I wang my pc to be mac beautiful. these Mac's are so neat and actually are a treat to the eyes,i want my desktop to look good

Plus 1. :neutral_face:

None of the mac themes on there suit you?

There are plenty of good themes but I don't know why I cannot install them. In tweaks theme's name isn't shown in the appearance menu.

Which themes? If you link to them, I will check them out and see what is wrong.

When that has happened to me, it was one of two things. Either the theme was not installed in the proper folder, or the folder where the theme is located, does not have proper permission set, to allow Tweaks access to it.

I suppose you could also install the wrong GTK version for the system too that you are using, but without us seeing what theme you installed, that one will be hard to determine.

Customize Best Zorin OS Themes Try what's been shown in this link. I can't recommend that much since I'm into minimalist style which I know not many people preferred so.

Have you extracted them in that way, that in your subfolder the themes-file is? Sometimes there are different themes packed into more subfolders, so you have to extract only a subfolder.

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Just like mine. I don't have permission to the .themes to paste those themes. Hahahaah

Did you put them into home/.local/share/themes?


I'm going to give you a freebie cause I'm nice.

CTRL ALT T to enter terminal.

sudo nautilus

Once opened to root, navigate to your themes folder.

Now you have permission.

I'm going to bed. So your welcome and goodnight :milky_way: lol


yeah because I dont have .themes hidden (like in others) in my home directory. I even create a .themes folder in home or user directory since according to xfce manual, there should be that one. Just trying if it will work but it seems I can't easily fool my system.

I'm just trying out things and how far I can get to this. Thanks and good night

You can place themes in ~/.themes or in ~/.local/share/themes or in /usr/share/themes

If placed in ~/.themes or in ~/.local/share/themes, this is in your Home Directory and you should have permissions.
If not, something is wrong on your system.


Its already fine. Just like I said permission. Maybe because its encrypted? Hahahaha. That's what I only think the reason why for now. StarTrecker solution help me. I also see in reddit about cp -a for copying files through terminal as how it is "if" you don't have permission.

Also, the original poster who have problem here wants a full mac theme. I found one, https://www.xfce-look.org/ . It's not only for xfce. There's variety in that site so. I just try. Not a big deal to me. Learn a lot just by searching in this theme thing. hahaahha

No, it didn't.
Your home folder should not have directories within with Root permissions. This is not fixed, just bypassed.
Please open a Root Instance of the File Manager, just as StarTrekers suggestion above, but this time, navigate to root, then /home/ then Right Click that directory with your User name (Your home directory), go to Properties then permissions tab. Set the ownership to your username and file permissions for Owner and for Group, ensuring you click "Apply to enclosed files" at the bottom.