Yesterday i noticed i got into a login loop, i entered my login code and then a second screen popped up (the lockscreen). I entered my password again and nothing worked. The only solution there was was a reboot. Today i got the same thing "again", i managed to find info about it on google and removed the .Xauthority from the home direction. Some users reported that worked for them.
If i ran into this issue again i will report back, does anyone have the same issue ??? and did you fix it ?
I just start getting it yesterday, didn't do anything weird or something. I have zorin os installed like 4-5 weeks now. Didnt happen before.
The funny thing is, since i am on linux...i really want to find out how to fix it my self. Normally you wait for MS to send a update or nvidia or whatevery causes it.
Ah, right.
You wrote that great tutorial - I now remember.
I think you need to talk with people who also uses this latest driver from Nvidia. As I do not play any games, I never bother to install the latest driver myself.
People who play games, @Aravisian@337harvey@Storm
might have a better idea.
I might give you a wrong idea.
I never play any game on computer, be it Windows or Mac or Free BSD or Linux or Android. Yes, there are such people exist
My whole family loved computers, i grew up with games when i was 4. We used to have a Commoder Amiga A500, Nintendo 8-bit, super nintendo, then the computer revolution started with windows 3.1 etc. I played to much, really had no life as kid haha.
This is a good question. I am confused. Those two images seem to contradict eachother.
One looks like there is plenty of free space. The other looks like root and home are very full.