Guess I need some help with installing a desktop

I suggest backing up all personal files and reinstalling Zorin OS.


I came to that conclusion before this foyay into the latest fray. But I was really holding out for Frog that this last attempt would actually work. And since it has also failed, I am at a loss for any other fixes, other then the obvious...Re-install

So I vote for Re-install, Aravisian votes for Re-install, thats 2 votes for Re-install.


OK .... so how do I do that as with this messed up system I have here I don't want to carry over anything that could contaminate my new install ... I also have some Win files on here as this is a dual boot system operating off 2 HD's ... I sure don't want to delete all of Win too ...

Which folders should I save ...

Documents, Pictures, Videos... Your standard personal files. Normally I would recommend saving config files, but I think that is best avoided, this time.

You told us that you don't have a working desktop at all, no taskbar, I don't know how your going to use the system without a working taskbar. Personally, if it were me in this situation and I had important data I didn't want to lose, I would boot off of the USB installer.

The one you used to install Zorin OS in the first place. I would boot into the installer, and then I would click on the left option to try Zorin OS. Then, I would access the installation area through Nautilus if I can, and copy my important data to a external hard drive.

And then I would start the installer, and then choose erase disk and install, when I am ready to install after backing up my data.


No I can get access to my computer by clicking on the following icons on the desktop .... Computer ... Network or Home ... they will all open up a menu in the left hand side which shows a lot of different choices ...

OK thank you I will check it out

What are the choices listed?
At this point, I ask out of morbid curiosity as to what, exactly, happened to your build.

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OK I have the following menu in the top banner ....

Cinnamon ... (radio button chosen)

Cinnamon (software rendering)



Gnome on Xorg

Zorin Desktop

Zorin on Wayland

The very first choice is selected ....

Yes a light gray screen with some designs on it but it is I believe blank

Thank you so much sir I am now back on Gnome .... everything is back to normal ... do I still want to try Cinnamon ...... YES .... but after I have rested for a while ....

I also need to contact you later on about my being able to add more space to my Zorin partition the drive is 1TB and dictated to Zorin alone .... I had a real mess trying to install Zorin the first time but installation of Pro was a little easier ... but I still don't thing my partitions are correct ....

But that is for another day I need a little rest after having chills about wiping my HD and reinstalling Zorin ... LOL

I can't thank all you people enough for all the help and direction I received ... I maybe a glutton for punishment but I still want to try for Cinnamon again after a rest ...

You people are the most patient people I believe I have ever met in my life and should be rewarded for you efforts ...

I really don't know who should be credited with the solution to this problem .... Aravisian for all his hours and hours of patiently try to guide me along (an impossible task I can assure you) .... StarTrecker for his suggestions and help ... Or 337harvey who got me back into Gnome ... so I didn't have to reinstall Zorin ...
Thank you all gentlemen ... I can never repay you


Here is a snapshot of the left side of my screen when I clicked on those three icons .... only the items in the center panel were not there it was blank ... I had to deal with the menu on the far left side starting with recent ... stared ...home etc ...

that is your file manager treeview...

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Your like Thomas the train, I think I can, I think I can. And Aravisian and I are like, WE KNOW YOU CAN, WE KNOW YOU CAN.

The truth is, we really want to see you successfully being able to use your computer. Were doing all we can, and providing all the knowledge that we know. And as you've put it, being patient.

I am glad you finally were able to see the multiple choice pull down menu, you actually have more choices on there then I expected you to have, cool.


Ok well... the Login Screen Frog described is LightDM, which means that is successfully installed.

Cinnamon is Showing in the List- both modes... which is as it should be.

But I cannot make heads or tails of why it did not work on the rest... Unless the terminal command he used to install it also had spaces between the dashes as earlier- causing a partial Installation of the desktop.

@Frog , anytime you install from the terminal, it produces output telling you what is going on. If a command failed or an install failed...
You must read that output as you use the terminal and correct as needed.

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Thank you for that info I'm sure that was the problem and the main reason I like to copy and paste ... but last night I couldn't find a way to copy and past so I had to hand write it and my hand writing is terrible ...

So before proceeding do we need to clear left over bits of Cinnamon on my computer ??? Or will the new installation of it erase it as it installs ??? I still show Cinnamon showing in my Systems Tool folder

Well... you have expressed that you wish to proceed. I say, let's keep on moving forward.
It is harmless if you repeat an installation. So, let's go:

sudo apt install cinnamon cinnamon-core cinnamon-desktop-environment

Copy and paste the above into terminal and check the output for any errors. IF no errors, and now that you know how to use LightDM Desktop Chooser to log into Zorin Desktop...
Then log out, then hit that menu and log into Cinnamon and see if everything works.
If not, you can reboot or log out and log into Zorin Desktop or Gnome.

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Hahahahaha ... yes thank god for that favor ... ok onward and upward ...