I run sudo apt-get update and after that sudo apt-get upgrade but it says all my packages is up to date i am little bit worried have you any updates or upgrades on Zorin today?
I just ran sudo apt update
to these results:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.
I'm probably not representative of the average user, given that I've stripped out so much, but I get the same when looking in the Software application, when running the Software Updater application, and when running my Update-All bash script.
Thanks guys i am starting to cry you are so nice
I usually make people cry by being not nice.
...... there just to make you feel better ....
Harvey do you live in USA?
Hi John, whilst we have your attention, can you please edit your forum profile to indicate which edition (e.g. Pro, Core, Lite etc) of ZorinOS you have. Thanks.
Nice to meet you i live in Sweden!
FYI (For Your Information) ..... I've had 2 updates .... one yesterday and another one today ..... I will post them but this will be the last as you will not always have the same programs installed as I do and so you will not get some of these updates .....
Good luck with your updates .... I'm sure you will get some more ....
The Antivirus update is ClamAV patch update that should address reported vulnerabilities as discussed here: ClamAV what's that article means? - #16 by zabadabadoo
(Note Z16/Ubuntu 20.04 probably has different updated version to the one I have on Z15)
Is it a malicious program?
ClamAV is not a malicious program. It is a Antivirus program.
I haven't installed it on my Machine?
I thought a linux distro didn't need a Antivirus program strange?
Gosh can't Microsoft leave Linux alone Microsoft are not doing Linux or Zorin a favor?
See this for info: Antivirus software
Yes read is that really necessary i using Steam and i try to avoid to download things that aren't in the software store and i want a linux machine to make programming and stuff but to target linux with a anti-virus? We are not that many that uses Linux or Zorin compared to Microsoft and Windows?
Just to clarify I did install ClamAV but don't use it .... I was curious when I read about it here on the board ..... just installed it about a month ago ..... not the most simplest program to use ..... but then I haven't played around with it much ....
To the question: "Do you need anti-virus on Linux?" I am going to make as statement (1) that many people will question.
I am then going to follow that with another statement (2) that is going to cause chaos.
) You do not need anti-virus on Linux
) You do not need anti-virus on WIndows, either.
It feels like people want to cram out money from linux users?