How can I change the menu font color in custom theme?

This is my menu icon's (when i double click the super button). I want to change the font's color. But I can't find in the gnome-shell.css file.


Did You took the Theme to the Gnome Shell? I mean like here in Gnome Tweaks:

Alternatively in Zorin Appearance:

I downloaded theme from pling. I think I can change from the css file only.

Okay, thank you for the Picture. Yes, You used it for the Shell. That Font Color is not a new Problem here and it seems to be some Kind of Bug. When You use for the Sehll other Themes than the Zorin One's, you have this Effect. I had the same Problem:

A really Solution unfortunately isn't here. At least I didn't found one. I've found something that you could call a Workaround but it is more like a ... Mixture of Coincidence and Luck. I tried to manipulate the .css but had no Luck with it.

Thanks, if I can find a solution too I can post here.

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I think I remembering using one of the options from the extension "Blur my shell" to workaround that issue. I don't remember how nor if i'm confusing it with something else, as I haven't used the gnome desktop in some months, but I think it could be worth a try


Okay, thank You for the Info.

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